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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/19/2015 4:11:35 PM
Creation date
3/19/2015 4:09:03 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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445 Mr. Schwartz concurred that he could support the ownership to the property line <br />446 for water lines scenario in most cases, but in situations when a plumber was hired <br />447 by the homeowner to switch a home from a private well to City water, or in cases <br />448 where a contractor installed a line improperly, it would be difficult to justify <br />449 accepting those lines on an "as is" basis. <br />450 <br />451 Member Wozniak noted that, in his personal case, the main shut-off valve was <br />452 actually located in his neighbor's property across the street at least that was where <br />453 the contractor went to thaw the water line during his first winter owning the <br />454 home. <br />455 A& <br />456 Mr. Culver asked for those addresses to further investigate that situation. <br />457 <br />458 Mr. Schwartz sought clarification as to whether that was the first time the line <br />459 froze shortly after a road project was ompleted and the grade changed. <br />460 <br />461 Member Wozniak responded negatively, advising that they were already on the <br />462 notification list for potential freeze -ups. <br />463 <br />464 Regarding lateral sewer lines, Member Wo is agreed with Chair S enlund's <br />465 comments, opining that he had more influence in what went into the lateral and <br />466 therefore bore some respons' 'lity for affecting its op ration or landscaping <br />467 installed over the line. <br />468 <br />469 Member Gjerdingen opined that he was hesitant for the City to take on that total <br />470 cost, noting that the money had to come from somewhere; and questioned where <br />471 that was and if it was always allotted only to this purpose. In cases for high <br />472 density housing (HDR), Member Gjerdingen suggested a more efficient water <br />473 main cost for repair and/or maintenance was available to that property owner over <br />474 time, but would be unfairly hit witlny property tax increase to cover these costs. <br />475 Member Gjerdingen opined that the same applied to some commercial properties, <br />476 as well as some county roads in which the City owned the mains. Member <br />477 Gjerdingen opined that, from his perspective, it made more sense to add a higher <br />478 construction replacement cost, as it could be that one property owner could decide <br />479 to push off repairs but during the middle of winter, the line broke. Member <br />480 Gjerdingen opined that during large reconstruction projects, it provided the <br />481 perfect time to replace lines. Member Gjerdingen stated that he could consider <br />482 the City taking ownership of the laterals on some roads, but was not sure if he <br />483 could support that city-wide. <br />484 <br />485 Member Cihacek questioned if this was going to be considered as an additional <br />486 cost or fee applied to utility bills to address future maintenance costs or would it <br />487 be an additional surcharge added to pay for this amortized cost over time. <br />488 <br />489 Mr. Schwartz questioned if he was suggesting it would be like a property owner <br />490 having an insurance policy for its own water and/or sewer lines. <br />Page 11 of 19 <br />
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