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3/19/2015 4:11:35 PM
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3/19/2015 4:09:03 PM
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537 7. Right-of-Way (ROW) Width Discussion <br />538 As previously requested by the PWEC, Mr. Culver presented information on <br />539 right-of-way easements and possible vacations of some for home expansions that <br />540 may be applicable for zero setback requirements (e.g. HDR's). <br />541 <br />542 Member Seigler, who had originated this request, provided examples of some <br />543 corner lots without room for even a two-car garage under current setback <br />544 requirements; or some lots too small for sufficient green space or unable to <br />545 qualify for any expansion based on impervious surface requirements. As a <br />546 GreenStep City, Member Seigler questioned if the City was being consistent in <br />547 that designation while still requiring significant setbacks across-the-board; while <br />548 not allowing those wanting to expand to increase the value of their homes based <br />549 on those setback requirements. <br />550 <br />551 Mr. Culver noted that given the age of the community d much of its housing <br />552 stock, there were numerous unique circumstances. Mr. Culver opined that part of <br />553 the problem with easements was that since Roseville was developed without the <br />554 majority of the lots properly platted, with many lot splits over and again, creating <br />555 irregular properties over those years, it created many of the problems, since right- <br />556 of-way and/or utility easements were not always provided. Mr. Culver noted that <br />557 under current regulations, many of those lot splits would not be allowed today that <br />558 would serve to avoid the very issues Mr. Seigler was identifying. Mr. Culver <br />559 noted that this included the land use code that a property could not have more <br />560 than 30% impervious surface. <br />561 <br />562 As suggested by Member Seigler, Mr. Culver spoke in support of a case study for <br />563 his neighbor's property, not only as an example, but to perhaps find solutions or <br />564 options for develo ment versus the inability to develop in certain cases. <br />565 <br />566fand <br />Culver displayed a map shows ts-of--ways from one area of Roseville <br />567 actual variances of that width as an example of the variables. <br />568 <br />569 In addition, Mr. Schwartz advis9d that in some corridors the variable may not be <br />570 as large as indicated on this map, as the map didn't always show actual platted <br />571 rights-of-way widths in some instances. As an example, Mr. Schwartz noted that <br />572 Roselawn Avenue, originally a Ramsey County Road, had an initial standard of <br />573 66', then another 10' was added to each side; with some county roadways actually <br />574 at 86', and others allowing for 49.5' on each side of the center (e.g. Lexington <br />575 Avenue and Rice Street) after replatting. <br />576 <br />577 At the request of Member Felice, Mr. Culver clarified the difference in rights -of - <br />578 way and easements. Mr. Culver explained that a right-of-way was typically <br />579 platted and publically owned, either dedicated or purchased, with private property <br />580 extending up to that right-of-way. Mr. Culver advised that an easement <br />581 essentially provided the same rights, but it was a portion of encumbered private <br />582 property. Mr. Culver noted that generally setback rules generally are measured off <br />Page 13 of 19 <br />
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