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4/2/2015 2:03:34 PM
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4/2/2015 2:03:29 PM
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Attachment A <br />SECTION: <br />1102.01:Procedure <br />1102.02:Necessary Data forPreliminary Plat <br />1102.03:Requirements Governing Approval ofPreliminary Plat <br />1102.04:Necessary Data forFinal Plat <br />1102.05:Acceptance ofStreets <br />1102.06:Required LandImprovements <br />1102.07:Arrangements forImprovements <br />Except as provided in Section 1104.04 of this Title, before dividing any tract of land into two or more lots or <br />parcels, the owner or subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat of the subdivision for the approval of the <br />Planning Commission and the Council in the following manner: <br />A.Sketch Plan: <br />1. Contents of Plans: Subdividers shall prepare, for review with the Planning Commission staff, <br />subdivision sketch plans which shall contain the following information: tract boundaries, north point, <br />streets on and adjacent to the tract, significant topographical and physical features, proposed general <br />street layout and proposed general lot layout. <br />2. Informal Consideration: Such sketch plans will be considered as submitted for informal and <br />confidential discussion between the subdivider and the Community Development staff. Submission of a <br />subdivision sketch plan shall not constitute formal filing of a plat with the Commission. <br />3. Modifications: As far as may be practical on the basis of a sketch plan, the Community Development <br />staff will informally advise the subdivider as promptly as possible of the extent to which the proposed <br />subdivision conforms to the design standards of this Title and will discuss possible plan modifications <br />necessary to secure conformance. (1990 Code; 1995 Code) <br />B.Developer Open House Meeting <br />1.Purpose: Prior to submitting an application for a Preliminary Plat of 4 or more lots/parcels, an applicant <br />shall hold an open house meeting with property owners in the vicinity of the potential development <br />location in order to provide a convenient forum for engaging community members in the development <br />process, to describe the proposal in detail, and to answer questions and solicit feedback. <br />2.Timing: The open houseshall be held not less than 15 days and not more than 45 days prior to the <br />submission of an application for approval of a preliminary plat and shall be held on a weekday evening <br />beginning between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and ending by 10:00 p.m. <br />3.Location: The open house shall be held at a public location (not a private residence) in or near the <br />neighborhood affected by the proposal, and (in the case of a parcel situated near Roseville’s boundaries) <br />preferably in Roseville. In the event that such a meeting space is not available the applicant shall <br />arrange for the meeting to be held at the City Hall Campus. <br />4.Invitations: The applicant shall prepare a printed invitation identifying the date, time, place, and purpose <br />of the open house and shall mail the invitation to the recipients in a list prepared and provided in <br />electronic format by Community Development Department staff. The recipients will include property <br />Page 4 of 17 <br /> <br />
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