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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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4/29/2015 2:19:39 PM
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4/8/2015 11:49:39 AM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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REQUEST FOR HRA I7ISCLJSSION <br />Date: 11-16-04 <br />Item Na: 9.a. <br />Staff Approval: Agenda Sectian: <br />CB Cansent Items <br />Item Description. Review of a Neighborhood Enhancement Program -"Staries and <br />Issues fram the Field" �,�� (HF4p2S) <br />1.0 Bacl�graund <br />1.1 A proposed pracess to evaluate a Neighborhood Enhancement Pragram (attached) was <br />intraduced and reviewed by the HRA in Octaber. The first part of the evaluation is the <br />educatic�n and understanding caf the issues assaciated with changes within the City's <br />neighbarhoods such as deferred housing maintenance and increasing rental hausing. The <br />purpase af the pracess is ta help the HRA provide a solid recammendatian to the <br />City Cauncil in 2005 regarding programs that could be implemented in 2006 to <br />improve ltoseville's neighbarhaods aver the next several years and intp the future. <br />1.2 The first step in the process is ta hear stc►ries fram the experts in the field who are dealing <br />with the hausing conditions and neighbarhaod issues an a daily basis, Dan Munsan, <br />Permits Coc�rdinator and Rick Ta�laat, Code Enfarcement (7fficer wi11 pravide a summary <br />of what they are hearing frorn residents and the trends that they are observing within the <br />community. A1so, as an introduction, we wil� provide a brief summary of the statistics on <br />the number af single family non-homestead units and the increase over the last 5-10 years <br />as well as the demographic trends assaciated with these changes. We will conclude with <br />a brief overview of how other communities� are dealing with the same issues. This will <br />lead ta a mare detailed review of other community prcrgrams in January. <br />1.3 The HRA members should come with questions and observatio��s of their own to share <br />with the board and staff. With the diverse array af experience and geographic area that <br />the members live, yotxr input is critical. <br />Prepared by: Cathy Bennett (651-'792-7072) <br />\\CammDev�Hau4ing\Fkrusing_I^iles_(�F�CF^)�F3FU(125_Nc�ighbod�crpd.laihance�inent\1 Llfi.O4 FLF3RAI7.doc <br />RHRAD_ Neigh:bprhaod Enh�ncement (11-1E-()4) - Page 1 of 1 <br />
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