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��=U i1�%�i�� <br />��� <br />J��Ly 6, 2001 cC�, 1��`1 t� � <br />�rr�� ���,� <br />Ciiy af Raseville <br />L�7ennis Welsch, �c�mmunity I7evelopment L7irector <br />?660 Civic Center Drive <br />I2�scville, NIl`� SS 113 <br />[�e: .�{raterz7ity �-�c��.zse at��3renner Avenue (single-family dwellxn�) <br />I�ear l`✓Ir. W�Isch, <br />'T" letter is the fourth contact I've had with your department sinc�. 11/Ol/UO re�;arding this <br />camplaint, twc, letters and twa phc�ne calls. The same problern we had 9 months agc� remains <br />unchanged today. It is my underst�nding that the inspectar hai�dling tl�is,��s, has <br />retired. I realize that these things can take time, l�ut before retirin�;, I was asst�red by Mr. �. <br />tl�at this wauld b� corrected by Q6/Ol/�l. It has not been cr�rrected. Irl fact, I tl�ink they are <br />pl�znning on exp����ding their fraternity. They r�cently measuriiz� to lzave t���.ir driveway <br />wicl�neci frc7rYz their property line on the east to the center of their f`ront yard. <br />"I"17is ho�rse was p�zrchased by a nxan that lives out af state anci ize rents it to coll�ge students. <br />C�urrently, tl�ere are na less than sevcn (7) students residing in the hause. Often, t�xere are more <br />than 10 peaple and their cars there overnight. The problems we are having include the number <br />af tenants and their cars and friends af tenants and alsa their cars that cantinually have tlie street <br />cangested, n7ail baxes obstructed and in the winter they get plowed in, messing t�p tl�e raad far <br />everyone. T`here l�ave also been a couple of parties that were nat obr�oxiously laud, but resulted <br />in 40 or morc cars parked on aur street. This single-family dwellin� has been turned into a <br />fi•ate7•nity house, c�rtainly nc�t wlzat tlle city intended far this area. <br />I was told ��y Mr!� that na n�are than fiv� (S) unrelatecl adults may reside in tlle same <br />dwellin� unless properly zaned fc�r such a use. Tlie subject address, according ta Mr. � <br />was in vialatian of that ardinance and would he forced ta camply by 06-0 l-O 1. Other neighbors <br />llave expressed tl�eir displeasure ta me about this hause and I assutne same af them have aisa <br />petitianed your affice far iielp ii� resolving tl,is sitvaatic�n. I do und�rstand that there ar� man;� <br />ciemands on your inspector's time, especially being short-handed right now, but we (aur little <br />neighborhaod) want this hause brought inta compliance with City Code befare tl�ey start sclic�ol <br />4�gain, bringir�g more cars and mare tenants. Please rnake this a pz�iority if at all pc�ssible. Tha��lc. <br />yc>u very muc11. , <br />��espectfully, <br />��� <br />�T�4�r _ ___----___ _ <br />�Brenner Avenue <br />