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City of Roseville <br />2014 Year -End Recycling Report <br />Attachment A <br />2014 was a big year for the recycling program in Roseville. The switch (651) 222 -SORT (7678) <br />to single sort collection and the inclusion of many additional types of <br />plastic demonstrated the City's major commitment to improving the <br />recycling program and getting to zero waste. <br />Our mission is to reduce <br />This transition resulted in a 16% increase in the volume of material collected in waste today through <br />the city. Additionally the participation rate increased by 17% and at 93% is now innovative resource <br />among the highest in the state. management and to reach <br />a waste -free tomorrow <br />In addition to the major transition to single sort there were also other important by demonstrating that waste <br />actions that the City of Roseville and Eureka Recycling took together to is preventable, not inevitable. <br />continue our excellent partnership and our commitment to reducing waste. This <br />included Roseville's Night to Unite, reuse via the Twin Cities Free Market, and <br />work towards making the Taste of Rosefest a zero waste event. (See the <br />Outreach and Education section of the report for additional information on this <br />work in 2014). <br />Transition to the New Single Sort Recycling Program <br />In late 2013 Eureka Recycling mailed a postcard to all Roseville households announcing the new <br />single sort recycling program. It also provided a mail -back survey in which residents could choose <br />a larger or smaller cart than the 64 gallon default size. The changes to the program and the survey <br />were also announced via an article in the Roseville City Newsletter. <br />Surveying residents in advance of the roll-out helped to promote not only the changes that were <br />coming, but also greatly reduced the amount of anxiety sonic residents had about not having <br />space for a large recycling cart. Many townhouse associations penalize their residents if they do <br />not put away their carts or if their carts are visible on any day other than their collection day. This <br />represented the most comrnon source of concern we heard from residents. The ability to request a <br />smaller cart even before the roll-out occurred helped decrease resident worry and provided an <br />opportunity to select the right cart before one showed up on their driveway. <br />As a result of the transition, Eureka Recycling spoke with over 2,561 Roseville residents on our <br />zero -waste hotline. That is a 266% increase in calls over 2013, and a 526% increase over the <br />number of calls in 2012 before the program changes were announced. This increase can be <br />attributed to curbside households looking for more information on what items can be recycled, <br />what happens to their material once we collect it, and how they can choose the right carts to <br />better serve their families. (See the Outreach and Education section of the report for more data <br />about the transition). <br />An affirmative action, equal <br />opportunity employer. <br />Q Printed on 100% postconsumer <br />recycled paper that was processed <br />without the use of chlorine. <br />