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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 6, 2015 <br /> Page 13 <br /> to meet all the requirements and do everything required to maintain the buildings. As the <br /> inspector pointed out, Ms. Joshi noted that there were a few things they'd missed, but <br /> with tenants living there, things happened as they tried to monitor 227 units with 500 plus <br /> tenants and 200 plus kids; and sometimes problems were reported by tenants and some- <br /> times not. However, Ms. Joshi assured the Board that as soon as a complaint was re- <br /> ceived, it was fixed, but she also didn't think it was acceptable for a tenant to have man- <br /> agement in their building or unit every day. Since a fair percentage of tenants don't <br /> speak English, Ms. Joshi opined that as long as their stove and refrigerator are working, <br /> they didn't care about other issues, but management tried to fix things even if they were <br /> tenant responsibilities. <br /> Ms. Joshi opined that repeating violations and ignoring their intent to justify a "D" score <br /> was not right, referencing the energy saving efforts listed on page 3, and while not a part <br /> of the licensing program, she stated their disappointment in not receiving credit for them. <br /> In conclusion, Ms. Joshi asked that the Board postpone this license review for six <br /> months, even though most things are done, but to allow them to complete outside items; <br /> and then having a subsequent inspection in the next few months, and then postponing the <br /> next inspection to next year for inside and outside, allowing them to be 100%ready. Ms. <br /> Joshi stated that, if there were other things the City wanted them to do, they were willing <br /> to do so. <br /> Mr. Gupta noted the listing of the banner on the building as a violation, that no one had <br /> pointed out previously as being illegal; and also noted one on the building across the <br /> street questioning if they had been cited as well. Mr. Gupta further questioned how that <br /> was a health or safety issue, and how many of the petty violations listed could have been <br /> combined, and also how many of those were related to safety or health. Mr. Gupta ad- <br /> vised that his firm prided itself on keeping items legal and safe for their tenants, which <br /> was of utmost importance to them. However, Mr. Gupta opined that City staff appeared <br /> to be concentrating on smaller, more petting items, even though that was apparently the <br /> rules they'd been given to follow. Mr. Gupta further opined that the City needed to de- <br /> cide how much weight those petty items should carry, and the weight of the larger items, <br /> and the intent of management in their investment in properties to make sure they meet <br /> each and every code requirement. <br /> In conclusion, Mr. Gupta asked that the City pay closer attention to those code require- <br /> ments and hear their appeal to adjust their licensing score accordingly. <br /> At the request of Board Member McGehee, Mr. Gupta estimated their immigrant tenant <br /> population at approximately 60% over the last 2-3 years, and most minorities with ap- <br /> proximately 80% having difficulty speaking English, making it difficult to communicate <br /> and often using their young children to translate, making that communication even more <br /> difficult and inaccurate. <br />
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