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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13, 2015 <br /> Page 15 <br /> City Council in June that could provide a sufficient timeframe to bring it forward, <br /> allowing staff several months to work on it. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Brokke confirmed that the Commission would <br /> also be holding their own meeting in June in addition to the joint meeting with the <br /> City Council, allowing another opportunity for their review. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed to that timeframe, expressing her preference that <br /> staff have sufficient time to work on it in a well-thought-out manner to leaving <br /> citizens with the perception that the City was going down a road but then not ac- <br /> tually doing so. Councilmember Laliberte opined that this would provide a good <br /> conversation for the joint meeting. <br /> While recognizing the City of Shoreview ordinance was provided as an example, <br /> Mayor Roe noted the availability of ordinances from other communities as well, <br /> and suggested they be reviewed and their better aspects be used to improve lan- <br /> guage for the Roseville ordinance. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon duly noted that request. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the public for their participation in this discussion. <br /> b. Discuss Leaf Collection Program <br /> Mayor Roe recognized soon-to-be-retiring Public Works Director Duane <br /> Schwartz, recognizing that this may be his last City Council meeting and there- <br /> fore taking the opportunity to thank Mr. Schwartz, on behalf of the community <br /> and the City Council for his work and years of service to Roseville in various ca- <br /> pacities, as well as his well-researched presentations to the body. <br /> As a preliminary to 2016 budget discussions, Mr. Schwartz advised that staff was <br /> bringing forward the leaf collection program for consideration and in light of fu- <br /> ture CIP equipment needs in 2015 and 2016. Details of the program included in <br /> Mr. Schwartz' presentation were provided in March 2015 meeting minutes of the <br /> Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission(Attachment A). <br /> Mr. Schwartz noted items for discussion by the City Council included the high <br /> impact of this limited-use program on existing resources making it difficult to <br /> contract a program of this magnitude to a landscape maintenance contractor, the <br /> specialty equipment required, and alternatives available for residents. With ex- <br /> pectations for hours of labor required given current typical users of the program <br /> estimated at between 500 to 600 hours, Mr. Schwartz reviewed other options now <br /> available for residents compared to in the past, including backyard composting, <br /> mulching mowers, lawn services, hauling to recycling centers, placing curbside <br /> for trash hauler pickup, which may be fee-based, or hauling to a Ramsey County <br /> yard waste site. <br />