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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13, 2015 <br /> Page 21 <br /> them on their mix designs and experiences, staff would consider that the problem <br /> had been resolved. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Culver advised that Ramsey <br /> County does not sealcoat and they use a heavier mix, as well as doing mill and <br /> overlays more frequently than municipalities. Mr. Culver also noted that they <br /> have heavier traffic in both volume and loads on their roadways, while the City <br /> looks at a full mill and overlay at year 25, the County does so in a shorter <br /> timeframe due to that heavier wear and tear. To-date, Mr. Culver advised that he <br /> had not heard of Ramsey County experiencing this delamination on their road- <br /> ways, which industry experts and staff were attributing to their lack of sealcoating <br /> activities. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Culver reported that staff antici- <br /> pated suspending sealcoating indefinitely at this time, but hoped it would be only <br /> for a 3-4 year timeframe as new pavements were monitored, since most of the dis- <br /> tresses were found in mixes applied in 1999 — 2000, and within 2-3 years, a de- <br /> termination should be evident. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte questioned the impact to patching costs in time and ma- <br /> terials. <br /> Mr. Culver advised that he was unable at this point to predict an accurate annual <br /> amount or increase, since time and resources were spent in sealcoating to extend <br /> the life of pavements and reduce the need for crack sealing and patching. How- <br /> ever, since staff was currently spending an extreme amount of time and effort in <br /> patching those delamination areas, there may be some balance. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that, at some point, the City Council would need <br /> some idea of that increase in time and patching, and if a 3-4 year suspension was <br /> anticipated, the budgets would need to be reviewed for that impact. Since the <br /> PWETC had discussed this at their meeting, Councilmember Laliberte asked for a <br /> copy of their meeting minutes. <br /> Mr. Culver apologized for the inadvertent omission of those minutes as part of the <br /> RCA. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, switching funds to mill and overlay from <br /> sealcoating, Mr. Culver anticipated an additional one mile of roadway for that <br /> treatment annually. In responding to whether there would be any of those funds <br /> to match through leveraging state aid dollars, Mr. Culver advised that the City re- <br /> ceived an annual allocation of MSA funds of just over $1 million. However, Mr. <br /> Culver noted that those funds were exclusive to use on state aid roads, represent- <br /> ing approximately 20% of the City's local system. <br />