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Member Cihacek stated that he had no problem in shifting funds to determine if <br /> staff's hypothesis is accurate, which should be known within the next three years; <br /> however, he further stated that he would not support a forever shift in that <br /> funding, and asked that staff make the annual review of the situation a standing <br /> communication item on the PWETC agenda as additional information becomes <br /> available to staff <br /> Chair Stenlund concurred, asking that staff provide an annual Pavement <br /> Condition Report to the PWETC. <br /> As a frequent bicycler in the community and area, Member Gjerdingen opined <br /> that it was really great to not have seal coating on roadways in their first 5 —8 <br /> years, but after that roads deteriorated faster, noting that there is a tradeoff in each <br /> situation. <br /> Chair Stenlund noted that, in the PWETC's occasional field trips, this would <br /> continue to be a topic of interest during such a tour. <br /> 8. Sewer and Water Utility Lateral Ownership Discussion <br /> Mr. Schwartz provided a presentation on sewer and water laterals, as a follow-up <br /> to information provided at the last PWETC meeting. In response to questions <br /> raised by the PWETC at that meeting, staff provided the following update: <br /> • Cleanout construction cost is estimated at $1,000 per connection, depending <br /> on site conditions. <br /> • Current plumbing code requires cleanouts every 100' and the City could <br /> require a clean out at the property line if the City owned the lateral under the <br /> right-of-way. <br /> • There were 45 permits issued for sewer repairs at residential properties in <br /> 2014, which was average. <br /> • There was only one permit issued in 2014 for a water lateral repair. <br /> At the request of Member Cihacek, Mr. Schwartz advised that the City's <br /> plumbing code could be changed to make it more relative to setback space, but it <br /> relied on the State's Plumbing Code requirements. <br /> • Permit information is retained in City records, but in various formats from <br /> database to paper, depending on its age and available technologies or data <br /> retention systems in use at that time. <br /> • Point of sale requirements could be whatever the City wanted in its code, <br /> subject to existing legal restrictions, but it was very controversial, and needed <br /> to be considered from a standpoint of what was reasonable from that legal <br /> standpoint and in consideration of property owner rights. <br /> • While previous homeowners are subject to disclosure laws, responsibility can <br /> be difficult to prove. <br /> Page 10 of 17 <br />