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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 4, 2015 <br /> Page 2 <br /> ing to explore any other ways to get the survey out to the public, including <br /> through a gmail address at: bnpreinvent( Ms. Barsel noted that hous- <br /> ing managers were being asked to fill out a health service survey and to encourage <br /> their residents to fill out the senior health needs survey. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon agreed to make the surveys available for pick-up at City <br /> Hall as well; and at the request of Councilmember Laliberte, offered to make the <br /> surveys available on <br /> Ms. Barsel advised that the cover letter provided instructions that the anonymous <br /> surveys could also be dropped off in the black utility payment collection box out- <br /> side City Hall as well. <br /> Ms. Barsel encouraged Councilmembers and residents to utilize any avenues open <br /> to get the surveys to Roseville's senior population; noting that other agencies in <br /> the Ramsey County Public Health and Human Services Departments were very <br /> interested in the results of the Roseville survey. <br /> June Stewart,2807 Fernwood Street <br /> As President of and representative the Area League of Women Voters (LWV), <br /> Ms. Stewart read a written statement of the League expressing their disappoint- <br /> ment in the City Council delay in taking action based on a 3/2 vote until results of <br /> a community survey could be taken. Ms. Stewart expressed further dismay when <br /> the City Council, following the rather confused and slanted survey question, sub- <br /> sequently decided at a recent meeting to not pursue organized action and to elimi- <br /> nate public discussion of the item at the requested June 8, 2015 City Council <br /> meeting. <br /> Ms. Stewart noted the support of organized trash collection by the LWV for a va- <br /> riety of reasons, and also noted the support of the City's Public Works, Environ- <br /> ment and Transportation Commission (PWETC) and their recommendation in <br /> their advisory role to the City Council supporting organized trash collection. Ms. <br /> Stewart noted that following the PWETC recommendation, the LWV had con- <br /> ducted an independent study. <br /> Ms. Stewart noted that there were other options that many cities have chosen to <br /> take beyond those two provided in the survey question, allowing current haulers <br /> to keep their market share and an assigned area of the City. Ms. Stewart opined <br /> that the study supported the fact that multiple heavy trucks wore out streets, cost- <br /> ing taxpayers more dollars. <br /> Ms. Stewart thanked Councilmember McGehee for bringing the topic forward for <br /> potential discussion at the June 8, 2015 meeting; and expressed the LWV's shock <br /> that the City Council voted to not implement organized trash collection or not to <br /> discuss it further, without the benefit of any further public comment and in their <br />