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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 4,2015 <br /> Page 35 <br /> an example, the north side of Terrace Drive may not be appropriate for a five- <br /> story building. Mr. Bilotta anticipated looking at CMU and CMU-light concepts <br /> as part of that height decision, addressing not only changes in uses, but also inten- <br /> sity of uses. Mr. Bilotta advised that staff would return with proposed standards <br /> for City Council consideration allowing them to break from overall discussions to <br /> address that vertical issue. <br /> Given the current single-family height of 30' to the center of the gable, Mayor <br /> Roe noted that even that created issues for single-family homes; and even single- <br /> family abutting other single-family could create an issue. Therefore, Mayor Roe <br /> expressed his interest in the next part of the conversation related to conditions and <br /> height. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed appreciation for the way Mayor Roe ex- <br /> pressed that last phrase, and requested direction from staff on what was too re- <br /> strictive, since the goal was to have something that will incent development but <br /> not be too restrictive; and sought additional insight from staff. <br /> Mr. Bilotta duly noted that interest, noting that with the gap in City Council meet- <br /> ings after next week, it would allow time for the neighborhood, staff and the City <br /> Council to absorb tonight's discussion and decisions, and come back in June with <br /> those ideas. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe on behalf of Councilmember Laliberte's interest in <br /> the next steps, Mr. Bilotta reviewed the eight steps as detailed in the RCA. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested staff provide some theoretical conditions that could be ap- <br /> plied to uses. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked that staff be directed to track changes on future it- <br /> erations of the spreadsheet based on tonight's discussion and action; with Mayor <br /> Roe suggesting simply dating each version of the spreadsheet going forward. <br /> Mr. Bilotta suggested that future iterations could include three columns for A, B <br /> and C even though future adjustments would also be forthcoming. <br /> Closed Session <br /> Mayor Roe advised that, in accordance with Minnesota State Statute 13.D.05, subd. 3.c, the City <br /> Council could move to closed session to discuss potential property purchases or sales, in this in- <br /> stance to discuss the potential purchase of portions of properties located at 934 — 950 Woodhill <br /> Drive and 2659 Victoria Street(former Owasso School site). <br />