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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/12/2015 3:48:15 PM
Creation date
6/12/2015 3:42:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 1,2015 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mr. Bilotta noted the department's aggressive use of grant funding to address ad- <br /> ditional operational costs, as well as continually reviewing different delivery <br /> methods. Mr. Bilotta advised that staff was currently, with the assistance of their <br /> Financial Consultant Springsted, performing a deep review of all tax increment <br /> financing districts (TIF) within the City to determine ways to utilize that funding <br /> or take them off line to bring properties back into play for the tax base. <br /> Mr. Bilotta advised that planning fees held at their current level as directed by the <br /> City Council did not necessarily cover costs, and with staff involved in more steps <br /> required in the review process, the money needed to be found elsewhere (e.g. <br /> Conditional Uses, Vogel Sheetmetal, etc.). While not requested an increase in <br /> those fees, Mr. Bilotta noted the need to balance staff's time accordingly. <br /> While the department is extremely efficiency-oriented in its operations, Mr. Bilot- <br /> ta noted that it also remained citizen-focused, particularly involving initiatives in- <br /> volved in strategic planning efforts. <br /> While not proposing much difference in 2016 from the 2015 budget, Mr. Bilotta <br /> noted as additional community engagement and neighborhood association efforts <br /> increase, there would be impacts at current staffing levels. In comparison, if addi- <br /> tional redevelopment occurs (e.g. Har Mar Mall area), Mr. Bilotta advised that St. <br /> Louis Park had twenty-four employees compared to Roseville's thirteen employ- <br /> ees in the Community Development Department, and asked that the City Council <br /> be cognizant of that limited staff resource going forward. <br /> Councilmember Willmus requested additional information from Mr. Bilotta on <br /> comparisons of permit revenue or dollar projects generated annually for the Cities <br /> of Roseville and St. Louis Park. <br /> As to succession planning challenges, Mr. Bilotta noted potential retirements in <br /> the code enforcement department within the next five years and the need to ad- <br /> dress that transition to maintain an effective team, opining that they drove the ef- <br /> ficiencies of the entire department. Mr. Bilotta opined that he wanted to duplicate <br /> the successful transition efforts performed most recently by the Public Works De- <br /> partment. <br /> Noting the age and limitations of the current permit software, Mr. Bilotta cau- <br /> tioned the City Council on the increasing potential for a catastrophic failure of <br /> that system. Mr. Bilotta noted that it was an old, locally-produced product, and <br /> support for the system continued to deteriorate; as well as not allowing historic <br /> data comparisons, especially with recent Microsoft software upgrades, creasing <br /> considerable delays in obtaining information for applicants. Mr. Bilotta noted <br /> that replacing this software would be a significant cost, even though it would be a <br /> great advance with a more compatible product. Mr. Bilotta advised that it was <br />
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