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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/12/2015 3:48:15 PM
Creation date
6/12/2015 3:42:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 1, 2015 <br /> Page 14 <br /> was not discussed as part of the focus for strategic planning of the City Council, <br /> and therefore, she wasn't sure it was a necessary component for the department's <br /> budget. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that was brought up by HRA members, and could be part of <br /> upcoming discussions at the joint meeting of the City Council and HRA. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that additional funding was needed,beyond that <br /> realized from permit fees, for major projects occurring citywide, with past failures <br /> attributable to a lack of willingness for sufficient planning time to get the job <br /> done. While not proposing additional staff specific to those efforts, Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee suggested hiring a consultant to provide efficient focus for the City, <br /> and work with residents and businesses willing to work and share their ideas. <br /> Councilmember McGehee also noted the need for outside assistance in finalizing <br /> ordinance revisions, along with preparing for the comprehensive plan update. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the City Council would be remiss in over- <br /> looking this need and not funding it by the entire community, since the depart- <br /> ment served the community and had a stake in supporting this department (e.g. <br /> nuisance ordinance affecting all). <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked a similar question of Mr. Bilotta from a Commu- <br /> nity Development perspective regarding what he envisioned for SE Roseville in <br /> the next 6-10 years, and the department's role or Roseville's role compared to <br /> other jurisdictions. <br /> Mr. Bilotta opined that the ICO parcel is a critical piece, and whatever went in <br /> there, the design element would be critical in identifying it as the gateway to Ro- <br /> seville, emphasizing that Roseville was different, and any design should provide a <br /> hard edge as a viable asset. While some of this branding may be Chamber of <br /> Commerce related, Mr. Bilotta noted the same statement would be made with that <br /> hard edge for that area by indicating that you can commit your crime over there, <br /> but in Roseville, we'll be watching closer. Mr. Bilotta noted the significant <br /> amount of tired retail along that corridor, even though the lots are structurally dif- <br /> ficult along such a linear corridor with shallow versus deeper lots; and the desire <br /> to keep residential properties where they are and address the retail frontages in <br /> some positive manner. <br /> Mr. Bilotta addressed other areas not yet developed that may provide potential <br /> recreation areas and green space for adjacent multi-family apartment buildings; <br /> and other areas providing buffers between commercial and lakeshore residential, <br /> each requiring thought to achieve the most appropriate use and amenity for the <br /> community as a whole. Mr. Bilotta advised that Roseville staff continued to ap- <br /> proach the City of St. Paul staff to address future redevelopment of the Margolis <br /> and Linders sites, since they had strong impacts for Roseville, and the goal was to <br />
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