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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 27, 2015 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Mr. Heiser clarified that this was included as part of the department's strategic <br /> plan. <br /> Mayor Roe sought clarification as to the revenue source for the new positions, <br /> whether they would be addressed in all JPA's and not just Roseville. <br /> Mr. Heiser clarified that the City of Roseville's outlay would be minimal to hire <br /> the applicable expertise, while still having 24/7 access to that expertise. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked if other cities had a deadline for the proposed in- <br /> creases for 2016 and 2017 budgets. <br /> Mr. Heiser confirmed that they did and he had promised each of them that infor- <br /> mation — via a one-page summary — by today; providing a cost estimate for ser- <br /> vices and their share of hardware and capital. As indicated in each JPA, Mr. <br /> Heiser advised that the IT Department attempted to provide this information to <br /> each agency or city by May 15`h annually for their budgets; and push them to <br /> come back to the City of Roseville with their preliminary numbers by July, and no <br /> later than September. However, Mr. Heiser noted that it was necessary to wait <br /> until December of each year to confirm their participation and how to hire accord- <br /> ingly at that point. <br /> In conclusion, Finance Director Miller noted the considerable amount of infor- <br /> mation provided by the various Finance Department functions, but justified the <br /> need for the City Council to be aware of these important changes felt to be needed <br /> and the direction the Department was going over the next five years. Mr. Miller <br /> expressed his hope that the City Council saw this as well; and advised that after <br /> consultation with and approval by City Manager Trudgeon the Finance Depart- <br /> ment would be submitting their strategic plan that should fill in some of the <br /> blanks left, allowing a better comfort level for the City Council. <br /> Finance Director Miller encouraged the City Council to contact any of the leader- <br /> ship needs, and solicited their shi staff for questions or additional information <br /> p <br /> feed- <br /> back as well. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the attendance tonight of some members of the Finance Com- <br /> mission, and asked that staff take advantage of their expertise and seek their in- <br /> volvement in proposed reorganization and division structure changes to serve as a <br /> sounding board. <br /> While recognizing that the Finance Commission's plate is also full, Finance Di- <br /> rector Miller advised that they would be provided with a copy of the Strategic <br /> Plans as well. <br /> b. Fire Department Budget Presentation <br />