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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 27, 2015 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Councilmember Etten thanked Chief O'Neill for his thorough review and how he <br /> presented this proposal, opining that this was a great read of what the City Coun- <br /> cil was looking for from staff, not only for the annual budget, but also leadership <br /> growth. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, and asked if there was any personal feedback to-date from <br /> firefighters as to whether or not this was a good approach to take. <br /> Chief O'Neill reported that part-time staff seemed happy, since this allowed more <br /> flexibility with their schedules next year and they were not committed to as many <br /> hours, allowing them more time for their main career and family. Chief O'Neill <br /> noted the value of their commitment and the need to balance their service to the <br /> community with the amount of time they provide and interest in adapting accord- <br /> ingly. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the addition of the building services contract by <br /> Chief O'Neill. <br /> Chief O'Neill opined that the regional opportunities for shared services and part- <br /> nerships with and among area fire departments were better than he'd ever experi- <br /> enced during his 27 years with the Depai fluent. Chief O'Neill noted discussion <br /> were ongoing in how to provide service at today's budget levels in every Ramsey <br /> County municipality while still trying to improve service levels to communities <br /> by working smarter rather than harder. Whether that is through continued auto <br /> aid agreements, or by working toward dispatching the closest unit no matter its ju- <br /> risdiction, Chief O'Neill noted the discussions continue and he may have some- <br /> thing additional on that front to bring to the City Council later this year. Chief <br /> O'Neill reiterated his appreciation for the climate of cooperation and relationships <br /> on the county level not previously found. <br /> Regarding community engagement, Chief O'Neill noted continuing efforts to find <br /> ways to engage community through special events, working with other organiza- <br /> tions, or other methods that will become available with stabilization of the Rose- <br /> ville staff, and able to be expanded further. <br /> Chief O'Neill noted there would be additional specialized hazard training with <br /> other fire departments due to the increased oil shipments moving through, even <br /> though Roseville was better prepared that others based on the tank facilities in the <br /> community, but being new to other municipalities. Through a countywide train- <br /> ing grant from Texas A & M, Chief O'Neill noted this training would be broader <br /> since any event would not be local and require a wider response for some events. <br /> As far as budget challenges, Chief O'Neill advised that the Department was seek- <br /> ing additional monies in 2016 for EMS and building maintenance contracts. <br />