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Last modified
6/19/2015 9:24:57 AM
Creation date
6/19/2015 9:21:49 AM
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Public Works Commission
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537 had no skin in this game, and was not accountable, as none of the municipal <br />538 requirements or restrictions applied to this process. Mr. Culver reiterated that any <br />539 arrangement made was strictly between the hauler of choice and residents; and they <br />540 would need to work out their own collective terms, guarantees and how binding it <br />541 ended up being. Mr. Culver opined that he anticipated it would not be binding on <br />542 either side under this scenario and as it was initially a pilot program for an interested <br />543 neighborhood and their hauler of choice to pursue. <br />544 <br />545 Member Cihacek suggested negotiations would be done as a group, and therefore <br />546 spoke in support of removing that language. <br />547 ""1111 <br />548 Member Seigler suggested posting it on the City's website after deleting that <br />549 specific language. <br />550 VF <br />551 Member Wozniak opined that the point of tonight's di ion was to offer ways <br />552 to make the process as easy as possible for residents, nd that included non- <br />553 inflammatory language as he had previously offered his preferences and concerns. <br />554 However, Member Wozniak opined that, if residgnts actually knew and were <br />555 concerned with wherethke <br />'rbage ended up, it may negate many of the items <br />556 addressed in the draft gu <br />557 <br />558 Chair Stenlund noted the o e that residents and haulers are clearly aware <br />559 that the City is not involved in any way at all; and opined that he thought the interest <br />560 may be found to be only about choice, and nNthem <br />ost. Chair Stenlund opined that <br />561 this included not having the City of Roseville which hauler to use. Chair <br />562 Stenlund asked staff to verify the actual number of licensed haulers in Roseville, <br />563 opining that it was actually eight hauler . Chair Stenlund spoke in support of the <br />4 survey idea and language. <br />565 1111111111IRK % <br />566Creasonablelunumber, <br />Sennd stated that he foun umber of pages in the draft guide to be a <br />567 but opined there may be a lack of clarity on how to change <br />568 haulers, since it may not be easy depending on the fine print in current individual <br />569 residential contracts. As an example, Chair Stenlund questioned why he continued <br />570 to be charged a fuel surcharge; and questioned if changing haulers could be done <br />571 with a simple phon 11, and how long the transfer process may take from one <br />572 hauler to another. <br />573 """iiillllllll <br />574 Member Lenz n ed a past experience in her neighborhood when their road was <br />575 reconstructed and the neighborhood got together to choose mailboxes for a <br />576 coordinated look, which didn't work out well. <br />577 <br />578 Member Seigler opined this may prove a good option for a cul-de-sac, since this <br />579 would create the need for only one versus many trucks. <br />580 <br />581 Member Heimerl, having not realistically understood or agreed with the potential <br />582 benefits, expressed his appreciation that they were now removed. Member Heimerl <br />Page 13 of 18 <br />
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