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Last modified
6/19/2015 9:24:57 AM
Creation date
6/19/2015 9:21:49 AM
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Public Works Commission
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78 there may be unexpected work, even though staff attempted to make those <br />79 occasions as rare as possible. <br />80 <br />81 Chair Stenlund agreed that the City had significantly improved communication <br />82 efforts, and the perception by residents that any project done within Roseville was <br />83 a City project. Chair Stenlund thanked City staff for their efforts at informing <br />84 stakeholders. <br />85 <br />86 At the request of Member Wozniak, Mr. Culver advised that Ramsey County was <br />87 scheduled to perform mill and overlay work on Dale Street from County Road C to <br />88 Highway 36, probably consisting of two inches of removal and repaving; <br />89 tentatively scheduled sometime over the sumer. Clarifying timing for Member <br />90 Lenz, Mr. Culver advised that the City of loseville's one requirement for that <br />91 timing was that it not be done during Rosefest activities (e.g. parade), and other <br />92 significant events and/or activities that they are asked to work around if at all <br />93 possible. Otherwise, Mr. Culver advised that the timing is based on the schedule <br />94 of their contractors. <br />95 <br />96 While recognizing that Dale StreeNun Ramsey County jurisdiction, Member <br />97 Lenz noted that for over twenty-five years, she had serious concerns about that <br />98 segment of Dale Street between County Road B and Larpenteur Avenue, due to fast <br />99 traffic, no sidewalk and other safety` issues. With efforts by staff in working <br />100 cooperatively with Ramsey County, outreach to residents, and the desire for a more <br />101 pedestrian-friendly society, Member Lenz opinethat this remains one of the most <br />102 dangerous roadway segments in Roseville; wili Member Wozniak pointing out <br />103 several areas of concern with the adjacent trail. While she had repeatedly asked in <br />104 the past, Member Lenz asked that future discussions occur in how best to address <br />105 those safety concerns with Ramsey County, as well as other safety concerns with <br />106 County rays throughout the community. <br />107 <br />108 Mr. Culver duly noted this request; and provided examples of where the City of <br />109 Roseville had served as the lead agency for pathway projects along Ramsey County <br />110 facilities (e.g. County Road B-2). Mr. Culver noted that there were things that the <br />111 City can do; however, he further noted that it often came down to funding. Specific <br />112 to the stretch of Dale Street referenced by Member Lenz, Mr. Culver advised that, <br />113 due to the considerable grades, that segment was particularly challenging as far as <br />114 adding anything off-road due to those grade issues. However, as referenced by <br />115 Member Wozniak, Mr. Culver advised that there were some potential links and staff <br />116 had looked at alternate routes north to south and remove pedestrian and/or bicycle <br />117 traffic from Dale Street. However, given the lack of funding or anticipated projects <br />118 in those areas, Mr. Culver advised that they would mostly likely be long-term plans <br />119 and required additional discussion and consideration. <br />120 <br />121 Chair Stenlund asked staff to provide information to the PWETC on Ramsey <br />122 County roads scheduled for potential rehabilitation that could serve as some type <br />123 of communication for residents; or some way for residents to gain access to Ramsey <br />Page 3 of 18 <br />
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