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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 33 <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 15. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions <br /> Due to time constraints, and without objection, Mayor Roe amended the agenda for the <br /> next three items as noted. <br /> C. Old Highway 8 Zoning Discussion <br /> City Manager Patrick Trudgeon reviewed this request by Councilmember <br /> Willmus to initiate the process for the City to seek rezoning and comprehensive <br /> plan guidance for these parcels from high density residential (HDR) to medium <br /> density residential (MDR). <br /> Public Comment <br /> Rita Mix, 3207 Old Highway 8, Roseville (not Village of St. Anthony as noted <br /> at a previous meeting) <br /> Ms. Mix displayed a map of townhome properties in this neighborhood; and ad- <br /> dressed previous development proposals and concerns for these parcels, some lo- <br /> cated in Roseville and two townhomes located in the Village of St. Anthony. <br /> Ms. Mix reviewed the background of the concerns beginning in 1997 when their <br /> developer purchased property from Williams Pipeline for development of Rose- <br /> ville Commons under a planned unit development (PUD) and under the City's <br /> Planning File documents #2891. Ms. Mix reviewed various components and <br /> phases of that development and ongoing concerns as additional parcels were ad- <br /> dressed; development proposals failed; and drainage issues became apparent and <br /> have created and exacerbated current concerns with the potential of another de- <br /> velopment project coming forward; and especially in light of the 2010 zoning <br /> change and comprehensive plan amendment changing the zoning to HDR. Ms. <br /> Mix requested City Council consideration of reducing density by amending zon- <br /> ing designation and comprehensive plan guidance. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed the process for this requested action with hearings before the <br /> Planning Commission and subsequent return with their recommendations to the <br /> City Council for a final decision. Mayor Roe sought to clarify the process, and <br /> outline opportunities for public comment during that process beyond this initial <br /> action before the City Council to initiate that process. <br /> Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, directing staff to commence process for city <br /> to initiate zoning and comp plan changes from HDR to MDR at 3253 and 3261 <br /> Old Highway 8. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed her hope that this would start conversations <br /> for the City Council to consider other areas of HDR for lower density designation. <br />