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7. Where the building is owned by other than applicant give legal name, business <br />address and phone number of owner(s): <br />1. Legal Name BRE Timberwolf Property Owner, LLc <br />BUS1ri0SSL�ddPOSS 345 Park Avenue, 42nd Floor New York, 1VY 10154 <br />Business Telephone 212-390-2793 <br />2. Legal Name <br />Business �lddress <br />Business Telephone <br />8. State the amount of investment the applicant has in the business premise, fixtures, <br />furniture, stocks in trade, etc. and attach supporting proof of the source of such <br />money. <br />Applicant has no investment because we are the management agent. <br />9. Provide full name, address, telephone number and the nature of interest of all <br />persons, other than applicant, who have any financial interest in the business, <br />buildings, fixtures, furniture, or stock in trade. (This shall include, but not limited <br />to, any lessees, mortgages, lenders, lien holders or any persons who have loaned, <br />pledged or extended security for any indebtedness of the applicant). <br />BRE Timberwolf Property Owner, L.L.C. - Owner <br />345 Park Avenue, 42nd Floor, New York, NY 10154 <br />212-390-2793 <br />10. Attach lease agreement. (if applicable) see attached Draft Manaqement zaqreement - <br />to be finalized post closing and can be provided <br />post closing if necessary. <br />11. Submit a plat plan of the area showing dimensions, location of building, street <br />access, parking facilities and the locations of and distances to the nearest state <br />institutions including, but not limited to, educational buildings, fair grounds, and <br />correctional buildings. The plan must also show number of persons intended to be <br />served in the dining rooms, and indicate and identify all other rooms and areas <br />where intoxicating liquor is to be sold and consumed. see Attached Plans <br /> <br />