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Handicap Harassment• A New Look A� Hostili Towards The <br />Handic� <br />When you think of a disability what do you picture? Someone with a cane, crutches, <br />a wheelchair, or a syndrome? Everyone notices visible disabilities. However, many <br />disabled people suffer in silence. The general population thinks that the only disabilities <br />that exist are visible. But, ten percent of people in America have an invisible disability. <br />Invisible disabilities are real, but cannot be seen. Some examples are lung disease, heart <br />disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune illnesses, and nerve pain. <br />People with invisible disabilities suffer and they are discriminated against. People <br />don't see that they are disabled and they think that they are just lazy. Discrimination is <br />against the law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 2 states that people <br />should not be discriminated against because of how they look or what they believe in. <br />Discrimination against invisibly disabled patients occurs everyday and they are <br />judged unfairly, They often face harassment or discrimination with work, school and <br />housing. Sadly, they can also have problems by being judged unnecessarily by friends and <br />family. Because people see them as "healthy," the invisibly disabled don't always get the <br />assistance or undersfianding that they need. Work places and school don't always make <br />reasonable accommodations. Some don't want to house the disabled. More awareness <br />must be brought to invisible disabilities so accommodations can be made and <br />discrimination stops. <br />
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