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Attachment A <br />117 MEMBERS <br />Section 1 Place of Meetings <br />Meetings of the members shall be held at the registered office of the Association or at <br />such other place within or without the State of Minnesota as may be designated by the <br />Board of Trustees from time to time or by written consent of a majority of all members <br />entitled to vote thereat. <br />Section 1A Postings of Meetings <br />The Board of Trustees will endeavor to post notice of its meetings in the City Hall at a <br />designated location at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance thereof. <br />Section 1 B Location of Meetings <br />All meetings will be held, whenever possible, in a public building provided by the City with <br />accommodations which are handicap accessible and of sufficient size to allow attendance <br />by interested individuals. <br />Section 2 Annual Meetings <br />An Annual Meeting of the members shall be held in January of each year (on a day to be <br />determined by the Board of Trustees each year). At each Annual Meeting, members <br />shall elect from their membership in accordance with Section 11, Trustees to serve on the <br />Board of Trustees and may transact any other business, provided, however, that no <br />business with respect to which special notice is required by law shall be transacted unless <br />such notice shall have been given. <br />Section 3 Regular Meetings <br />A Regular Meeting of the members may be held each month, exclusive of the month of <br />January, without the necessity of notice, at a time determined by the Board of Trustees. <br />Section 4 Special Meetings <br />A Special Meeting of the members may be called for any purpose or purposes at any time <br />at the request of the President, or by two or more of the members entitled to vote upon <br />their request submitted in writing by registered mail or delivered in person to the <br />President, Vice President, Secretary or to any person or persons entitled to call a <br />meeting. It shall be the duty of such Officer or persons to forthwith cause notice to be <br />given to the members, in accordance with Section 6, of the meeting to be held at such <br />time as such Officer or persons may fix which is not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty <br />(30) days after the receipt of such request. If the officer or persons fail to give notice of <br />the meeting within seven (7) days from the day on which the request was made, the <br />person or persons who requested the meeting may fix the time and place of ineeting, and <br />give notice, in the manner provided by these Bylaws. <br />� <br />