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205 <br />206 <br />207 <br />208 <br />209 <br />210 <br />211 <br />212 <br />213 <br />214 <br />215 <br />216 <br />217 <br />218 <br />219 <br />220 <br />221 <br />222 <br />223 <br />224 <br />225 <br />226 <br />227 <br />228 <br />229 <br />230 <br />231 <br />232 <br />233 <br />234 <br />235 <br />236 <br />237 <br />238 <br />239 <br />240 <br />241 <br />242 <br />243 <br />244 <br />245 <br />246 <br />247 <br />248 <br />Attachment A <br />TRUSTEES <br />Section 10 Number - Qualification <br />Subject to State law to the contrary, the business of the Association shall be managed by <br />a Board of nine (9) Trustees, six of whom shall be elected from the members but may <br />include one retired member. In addition to the six elected Trustees, the Mayor, the Clerk <br />or Treasurer and the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Roseville shall be ex- <br />officio Trustees. <br />Section 10A Duties of the Board of Trustees <br />The Board of Trustees shall have exclusive control and management of all funds received <br />by its Treasurer, subject to its right of delegation as provided in Section 60 hereof, and <br />shall constitute the governing body of said Association with full power and authority to <br />carry out the objects and purposes of the Association as set out in the Articles of <br />Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association and the laws of the State of Minnesota. <br />Section 10B Compensation of Board Trustees <br />Trustees of the Association identified in Attachment B, may be paid a salary out of the <br />Special Fund. The amount paid limited to the amount in Attachment B. Only after the <br />amounts listed in Attachment B have been approved by the Roseville City Council may <br />salaries be paid to non-Officer Trustees. For all Trustees, itemized expenses eliqible for <br />reimbursement are limited to those expenses incurred as a result of fulfillinq <br />responsibilities as administrators of the Special Fund. <br />Section 11 Term <br />Two Trustees shall be elected annually at the Annual Meeting to serve for the term of <br />three years or until their successors have been duly elected and have qualified <br />Section 12 Vacancies <br />In the event that any elected member of the Board of Trustees shall retire, resign, die, <br />become disqualified, or refuse to act as a Trustee during their term of office, their <br />successor may be appointed by the remaining elected Trustees of the Board to fill such <br />vacancy for the unexpired term thereof. <br />Section 13 Place of Meeting <br />Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at the registered office of the Association <br />at such time or other place as a majority of the Trustees of the Board may from time to <br />time determine. <br />Section 14 Annual Meeting <br />The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees held for the purpose of election of Officers <br />and the transaction of any other business shall be held as soon as convenient following <br />the annual meeting of the members in January of each year with notice at last five (5) <br />days prior thereto if personally served or given by telephone to each Trustee, unless <br />� <br />