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729 <br />730 <br />731 <br />732 <br />733 <br />734 <br />735 <br />736 <br />737 <br />738 <br />739 <br />740 <br />741 <br />742 <br />743 <br />744 <br />745 <br />746 <br />747 <br />748 <br />749 <br />750 <br />751 <br />752 <br />753 <br />754 <br />755 <br />756 <br />757 <br />758 <br />759 <br />760 <br />761 <br />762 <br />763 <br />764 <br />765 <br />766 <br />767 <br />768 <br />769 <br />770 <br />771 <br />772 <br />Attachment A <br />Pension, to commence upon the former member reaching the age of fifty (50) years, and <br />making written application therefore as provided in Section 29. The lump sum service <br />pension amount shall be the amount to which the member would have been entitled had <br />that member been eligible for retirement on the date of separation from active service and <br />membership in the Association. <br />Section 47 Limitation on Retirement Benefits Other than Service <br />Pension <br />No retirement benefit other than service pensions paid or payable to a member, former <br />member or qualified successor of a member or former member may exceed in amount <br />the total service pension calculated using the service pension amount specified herein <br />and the years of service credited to the member or former member as of the date the <br />member or former member became entitled to the retirement benefit or dies. The <br />limitation provided in this Section shall be subject to any special legislation mandating <br />service pension increase to retired members, or upon amendment of these Bylaws <br />pursuant to permissive legislation. <br />Section 48 Survivor May Apply for Benefits of Deceased Member <br />Should any eligible member or former member die before making Application for service <br />pension benefits and have qualified for a service pension pursuant to Section 42 herein <br />except for the age requirement, or such member died while on active duty as a <br />Firefighter, then Application for service pension benefits may be made by the Surviving <br />Spouse, if any, who is otherwise qualified as required by these Bylaws, and thereupon <br />said Surviving Spouse will be entitled to the monthly benefits payable hereunder as if <br />such Application had been made by the deceased Pensioner. <br />If the Pensioner leaves no Surviving Spouse, application may be made on behalf of the <br />Pensioner's minor child or children, if any, and said minor children will be entitled pro rata <br />to the monthly benefits payable hereunder as if Application had been made by the <br />deceased Pensioner, and said benefits shall continue during said child or children's <br />minority. <br />All applications for benefits must include a certified copy of the death certificate of the <br />pensioner. <br />Section 49 Maximum Pension Allowed if Permanently Disabled <br />Any firefighter Permanently Disabled as a result of the member acting and perForming the <br />duties of a firefighter while in the line of duty shall receive the maximum pension. <br />Maximum pension is hereby defined as the monthly pension one would be paid had the <br />Pensioner qualified by age and served twenty (20) years in the Roseville Fire Department <br />and had been a member of this Association for ten (10) years. If said disabled firefighter <br />has more than twenty (20) years service in the Roseville Fire Department and then (10) <br />years as a member of this Association at the time they are Permanently Disabled, the <br />Pensioner shall receive a pension based on the total years of service as provided in <br />20 <br />