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904 <br />905 <br />906 <br />907 <br />908 <br />909 <br />910 <br />911 <br />912 <br />913 <br />914 <br />915 <br />916 <br />917 <br />918 <br />919 <br />920 <br />921 <br />922 <br />923 <br />924 <br />925 <br />926 <br />927 <br />928 <br />929 <br />930 <br />Attachment A <br />necessary Bylaws for the governing of the Association and the management of its affairs, <br />provided, however, that said Bylaws must be at all times in conformity with the applicable <br />laws of the State. Any amendment of these Bylaws which would affect the amount, <br />manner, or conditions for qualification for service pensions or other retirement benefits or <br />disbursements other than administrative expenses authorized pursuant to Section 59, <br />and payable from the Special Fund, shall be effective only after it has been ratified by the <br />governing body of the City of Roseville. <br />Section 62 Order of Business <br />The following order of business shall apply unless waived at Annual and Regular <br />Meetings of the membership and the Board of Trustees: <br />1. Call to order; <br />2. Roll call; <br />3. Reading minutes of previous meeting; <br />4. Report of Treasurer; <br />5. Reports of Committees; <br />6. Unfinished business; <br />7. Election of Board members, if applicable <br />8. Election of Officers, if applicable <br />9. Miscellaneous and new business <br />Section 63 Reports and Resolutions <br />All reports and resolutions shall be submitted to an Officer in writing and no report from a <br />committee shall be received unless it is approved by a majority of the members of such <br />committee, provided however, that a minority report may always be presented with the <br />consent of the Board. <br />931 Section 64 Miscellaneous and Definitions <br />932 The following terms as used in the Bylaws shall have the meaning ascribed to them: <br />933 1. Active Member means the dues payinq participation of a member in the <br />934 Association. as defined in Section 52A. and the aerformance of the <br />935 <br />936 <br />937 <br />938 <br />939 <br />940 <br />941 <br />942 <br />943 <br />944 <br />945 <br />946 <br />947 <br />member of such duties or participation as required to effectively contribute <br />to the Association's stated purpose. <br />2. Active Service shall mean the perFormance by a member of service <br />required by the Association of its members in firefighting and <br />ancillary duties, or the availability of a member therefore. <br />3. Maturity means that a member or former member has completed all <br />qualifications and requirements for the receipt of a benefit. <br />4. Minor means under the age of eighteen (18) years. <br />5. Permanently Disabled means that a member is certified by a <br />treating physician acceptable to the Board of Trustees, as being <br />unable to perForm any and every duty pertaining to that member's <br />usual occupation and to a reasonable medical certainty, will remain <br />so throughout the member's lifetime. <br />24 <br />