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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13,2015 <br /> Page 33 <br /> As brought to his attention by a resident, Councilmember Etten questioned why <br /> the City didn't bring a T-1 line down this corridor as part of infrastructure im- <br /> provements and with the potential to attract a major technical company to hook in <br /> to City fiber optics, creating another unique and beneficial draw. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon advised that this had been discussed in other areas of the <br /> community, and while providing incentives, it would also depend on how Twin <br /> Lakes develops. At this point, Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff had not defined <br /> how that would work or the cost, but may lead to other conversations. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted the line currently extends to Sand Castle Park, close <br /> to County Road D, and would serve as another way to separate Roseville from of- <br /> ferings in adjacent communities competing for development. <br /> Mayor Roe cautioned the need to consider what was already available in the pri- <br /> vate market, referencing private data lines that may already be in place along <br /> County Road C. Mayor Roe opined there may be serious policy considerations if <br /> the City attempted to compete with the private sector to provide that fiber optic <br /> service to businesses. <br /> Public Works Director Culver confirmed Mayor Roe's statement. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in opposition to the proposed bond issue, opin- <br /> ing it would not bring development, and noting that the Planned Unit Develop- <br /> ment (PUD) would define what type and quality of development, including busi- <br /> ness uses, especially if the City owned the land. Councilmember McGehee noted <br /> the demonstrated history in this area that simply having a road available is not <br /> what the public wants, and therefore, is not a good use of public funds, nor would <br /> it bring development or enhance anything currently happening. Councilmember <br /> McGehee further opined that the City's greatest advantage are the traffic genera- <br /> tors along Cleveland Avenue and County Road D that keep things moving, and <br /> were proving not as onerous as originally thought. Councilmember McGehee <br /> noted past experience based on the comments of Police Chief Mathwig, in the <br /> easier access is, the easier crime becomes when moving traffic into residential <br /> neighborhoods. As stated at the beginning of the meeting, Councilmember <br /> McGehee noted the need to bring in decent jobs through enticing high quality de- <br /> velopment; and if the City has more control, it won't spend this money on a road. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, seeking information regarding how much land the <br /> City could purchase with $3.17 million, City Manager Trudgeon responded that <br /> the cost of the last section purchased from PIK was $1 million; average square <br /> foot costs in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area were running between $10 and <br /> $12 per square foot; and Walmart had paid $20 per square foot for their roadway <br /> properties. <br />