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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 6, 2015 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:44 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 7:46 p.m. <br /> 15. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions <br /> a. Joint Meeting with Planning Commission <br /> As a preliminary note, Mayor Roe suggested the Planning Commission may be <br /> another commission the City Council should hold more frequent meetings as be- <br /> ing done with others. <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed Planning Commissioners, with the entire Commission pre- <br /> sent; and turned immediate discussions over to Chair Michael Boguszewski. <br /> Members present were Chair Boguszewski; Vice Chair Shannon Cunningham; <br /> and Commissioners James Bull, James Daire, Chuck Gitzen, Robert Murphy, and <br /> David Stellmach. <br /> Chair Boguszewski asked Commissioners to introduce themselves; and recog- <br /> nized the newest members on the Commission, opining they were stellar additions <br /> to the body, already bringing out points proving the value of their appointment by <br /> the City Council. <br /> Chair Boguszewski asked that one additional item be included in tonight's discus- <br /> sion: that of move-up housing and the concept intended by the City Council in <br /> their recent strategic planning exercise. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested initiating discussion with move-up housing and the City <br /> Council's objective going forward. <br /> As background for that discussion, Chair Boguszewski noted over the last few <br /> meetings, comments made by staff and applicants seeking land use approval, that <br /> their requests were in line with fulfilling that City Council directive; and ques- <br /> tioned what was meant or the threshold had been set or arrived at in defining <br /> "move-up"housing stock in Roseville. <br /> Vice Chair Cunningham further noted, from her personal perspective, while de- <br /> velopers may use that as a selling point that they're complying with the City <br /> Council's desire for move-up housing, she questioned what the upper limit may <br /> actually be, since to her knowledge, the City Council had not yet identified that <br /> upper limit. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested receiving the report of the Commission on <br /> their activities and accomplishments prior to this discussion; as well as hearing <br /> from consultants on tree preservation and planned unit developments, opining that <br />