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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 6, 2015 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that, historically, the Public Works Department <br /> had not used the same Best Value Procurement method as used by the Parks & <br /> Recreation Department; but rather had used the Lowest Responsible Bid method <br /> and she opined that she had been more impressed with the process used by the <br /> Public Works Department. Councilmember McGehee further opined that their <br /> method seemed to be based more on the State Public Works' bid process, was <br /> more well-documented and straightforward. Directing her question to the City <br /> Council based on her conversations earlier today with Mr. Culver, Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee noted the recommended firm had rated a 83% for the technical <br /> weighting versus the other firms rating 90% in that category. Given the com- <br /> plexity of this work, and even with assurances from Mr. Culver of the confidence <br /> with this contractor, Councilmember McGehee noted the similarity of the other <br /> two bids, making this one seem more like a lowball bid. Historically, Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee noted there was no Public Works-related policy stating the <br /> City needed to go with the lowest bid when there was such a technical difference. <br /> Further, Councilmember McGehee questioned if the contract for this work had <br /> anticipated work around or after the State Fair this fall or even next spring. <br /> Mr. Culver advised that, specifications were written based on today's bidding <br /> climate, attempting to allow the contractors as much flexibility as seemed option- <br /> al; and thereby giving them an option of starting work this fall or holding off until <br /> next spring; at which time they would then have a certain number of days to com- <br /> plete the work once started. If the work is started this fall, it would need to be <br /> completed before the end of the construction season, and therefore Mr. Culver ad- <br /> vised the contract did not include a provision that the contractor could not start <br /> work before the State Fair. Given the current bidding climate, Mr. Culver advised <br /> that it was considered more flexibility would result in a better bid without apply- <br /> ing another caveat for the contractor to comply with. Mr. Culver noted there <br /> would be impacts during the construction, which might involve the Met Transit <br /> Park & Ride in that area if used for fair versus typical commuter traffic. Howev- <br /> er, Mr. Culver advised that even though ceasing work during the State Fair was <br /> typically included unless not of major impact, since there was already such a <br /> heightened level of traffic throughout the entire community during the State Fair, <br /> in this case the determination had been made that it was more vital to get the pro- <br /> ject done at the most reasonable price possible. <br /> Councilmember McGhee suggested staff contact the Roseville Visitor's Associa- <br /> tion (RVA) to alert them to potential impacts for hotel chains with this project, <br /> given the high use during the State Fair for visitors and exhibitors. <br /> Specific to the cost of a signal, Councilmember McGehee questioned what the <br /> annual maintenance cost was for the City, if different than the $23,653 stated for <br /> the cabinet and post, if the City were to consider installing a standalone signal. <br />