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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/6/2015 8:54:08 AM
Creation date
8/6/2015 8:53:36 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Mayor Roe suggested the PWETC, in their review of the pathway system again, make it a <br />priority to consider connections between multifamily residential buildings and transit, as <br />well as connecting with schools. Mayor Roe provided several examples he and <br />Councilmember Etten had discussed in their neighborhood in observing bus riders having <br />to walk on the grass or on the street to get to a bus stop because there was no available <br />pathway. Mayor Roe opined that making those short connections would certainly improve <br />the quality of life for those needing to use transit. <br />Solar Power Discussions <br />Councilmember Willmus expressed his desire for the PWETC and City Council to continue <br />their work on community solar and solar garden options, including the ability to write <br />grants as applicable. Councilmember Willmus suggested one aspect should be <br />recommending if the PWETC feels an outside grant writer is needed to assist with those <br />efforts in a timely manner. <br />Councilmembers Laliberte and Etten spoke in support of continued solar power resources <br />and more involvement. <br />Transportation <br />Councilmem ber Laliberte advised that she had spoken earlier today with a Ramsey County <br />Commissioner serving on the Ramsey County Transit Advisory Board (TAB) who <br />questioned why the City of Roseville did not apply for more grants. Councilmember <br />Laliberte advised that the Commissioner noted, as a newer member ofthe TAB, money was <br />frequently going elsewhere as there were no applications being received from the <br />communities she represented. While the commissioner noted her feedback on the <br />cumbersome nature of those grant application processes, she suggested such feedback <br />would prove helpful going forward. Councilmember Laliberte suggested further research <br />by staff and the PWETC of particular grants that maybe available for City participation. <br />LeafPickup Program Outreach/Education <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed that options were needed for those residents who needed <br />to replace the leaf pickup program after discontinuation in 2015. While there are many <br />services available to perform raking and removal for residents, Councilmember Laliberte <br />noted the need for an option for residents choosing to rake and pile leaves on the curb for <br />pick-up. Councilmember McGehee noted several questions she'd received to -date from <br />residents seeking an option that would be comparable to the fee-based service they <br />previously received from the City. <br />Capital Improvement Program (CIP)/Role of the PWEC for Equipment Replacement <br />CouncilmemberLaliberte encouraged the PWETC to work with staff to identify acceptable <br />standards and capital improvement program (CIP) funding for street improvement projects <br />(e.g. suggestions for those accepted standards, timelines, and funding) toward matching <br />those efforts on a consistent basis. <br />Page 12 of 16 <br />
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