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Attachment A <br />A. Purpose: To provide a convenient forum for engaging community members in the <br />development process, to describe the proposal in detail, and to answer qiiestions and solicit <br />feedback. <br />B. Timing: The open house shall be held not more than 30 days prior to the submission of an <br />application far Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment approval and shall <br />be held on a weekday evening beginning between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and ending by <br />10:00 p.m. <br />C. Location: The open house shall be held at a location in or near the neighborhood affected by <br />the proposed amendment, and (in the case of a site near Roseville's boundaries) preferably <br />in Roseville. In the event that such a meeting space is not available the applicant shall <br />arrange far the meeting to be held at the City Hall Campus. <br />D. Invitations: The applicant shall prepare a printed invitation identifying the date, time, place, <br />and purpose of the open house and shall mail the invitation to the recipients in a list <br />prepared and provided in electronic format by Community Development Department staff. <br />The recipients will include property owners within 500 feet of the project property, <br />members of the Planning Commission and City Council, and other community members <br />that have registered to receive the invitations. <br />E. Summary: A written summary of the open house shall be submitted as a necessary <br />component of an application for Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment <br />approvaL (Ord. 1362, 3-24-2008) <br />201.08: ADOPTION OF CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY CITY <br />COUNCIL: <br />Upon receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission for the establishment or <br />amendment of a plan, the City Council shall follow procedure as set forth in Chapter 108 of this <br />Code. The City Council may adopt such plan ar amendments by a majarity vote of its members <br />or by a larger majority if required by statute. (Ord. 1175A, 11-25-1996) <br />201.09: MEANS OF EXECUTING PLAN: <br />Upon the adoption of the City Plan or any section thereof, it shall be the duty of the Planning <br />Commission to recommend to the City Council reasonable and practicable means for putting into <br />effect such Plan or section thereof in order that the same will serve as a pattern and guide for the <br />orderly physical development of the City. Such means shall consist of a zoning plan, the control <br />of subdivision plats, a plan for future street locations, etc. (Ord. 194, 4-19-1955) <br />201.10: ZONING CODE AND CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: <br />The Planning Commission may, upon its own motion or upon instruction by the City Council, <br />prepare revisions to the Zoning Code and/or Plan for the City. Before recommending such Code <br />andlor Plan to the City Council, the Planning Commission shall hold at least one public hearing <br />as provided for in Chapter 108 of this Code. The same procedure shall apply for the preparation <br />of any overall street plan or acquisition of lands for public purposes. (Ord. 1175A, ll-25-1996) <br />[35] <br />