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Financial Analysis of the Government's funds <br />Governmental funds. The focus of the City of Roseville's governmental funds is to <br />provide information on neaz-term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. <br />Such information is useful in assessing the City of Roseville's financing requirements. In <br />particulaz, unreserved fund balance may serve as useful measure of a government's net <br />resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. <br />At the end of the current fiscal year, the City of Roseville's governmental funds reported <br />combined ending fund balances of $29,543,219. Approximately 92% of this total amount <br />($29,262,183) constitutes unreserved fund balance. The remainder of the fund balance is <br />reserved to indicate that it is not available for new spending because it has already been <br />committed; 1) to provide for prepaid items ($8,746), 2) for tax reduction ($2,272,290). <br />The General Fund increased by $17,057 in 2001, which was due to a slightly higher net <br />increase in general revenues over expenses than was expected. The Recreation Fund <br />decreased by $2'79,790, resulting from both lower than expected revenues and higher <br />operating costs. The Community Develop�nent fund decreased in 2001 by $168,427 <br />primarily due to less than expected building permit fees. Both the General Improvement <br />Debt Service and Tax Increment Bond Funds decreased substantially in 2001. This <br />resulted from the calling of several bond issues. The City's Revolving Improvements <br />Fund decreased by 51,150,119. Due to timing differences in project revenues and <br />expenses, a substantial decrease (or increase) can occur. The Economic Increments Fund <br />decreased by $3,584,613 during this fiscal year, as a result of transferring available <br />monies to pay off tax increment debt issues. <br />Proprietary funds. The City of Roseville's proprietary funds provide the same type of <br />information found in the government-wide financial statements, but in more detail. <br />The unrestricted net assets in the respective proprietary funds aze Sewer -$4,994,583, <br />Water - $14,994, Golf - $388,122, Recycling - $54,573 and Storm - $2,690,229. All <br />propriety funds ha.d slight decreases in net assets in 2001, with the exception of the Storm <br />Drainage Fund. Due to timing difFerences in the user fees and capital improvements, <br />decreases (or increases) can occur. <br />Budgetary Highlights <br />General Fund <br />There was a small amendment between the original budget and the final budget for the <br />general fund in the amount of $95,611. While the actual amounts in both revenues and <br />expenses exceeded the original budget ($196,628 and $93,244 respectively), the fund <br />realized a small increase in fund balance of $17,057. <br />16 <br />