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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31, 2001 <br />NOTE 4- DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FiJNDS (Continued) <br />C. Capital assets <br />Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2001 was as follows: <br />Governmental activities: <br />Capital assets not <br />being depreciated: <br />Land <br />Land improvements <br />Total capital assets not <br />being depreciated <br />Captial assets being depreciated: <br />Buildings <br />Improvements other <br />than buildings <br />Machinery and equipment <br />Infrastructure <br />Total capital assets <br />being depreciated <br />Less accumulated <br />depreciation for: <br />Buildings <br />Improvements other <br />than buildings <br />Machinery and equipment <br />Infrastructure <br />Total accumulated <br />depreciation <br />Total capital assets, being <br />depreciated, net <br />Governmental activities <br />capital assets, net <br />Beginning <br />Balance Increases <br />$ 6,720,240 $ 0 $ <br />14,797,775 1,218,011 <br />21,518,015 1,218,011 <br />16,202,502 171,591 <br />3,068,452 712,700 <br />12,622,520 1,119,991 <br />76,616,630 3,164,856 <br />108,510,104 5,169,138 <br />3,535,905 506,252 <br />Ending <br />Decreases Balance <br />0 $ 6,720,240 <br />0 16,015,786 <br />0 22,736,026 <br />235,5,11 16,138,582 <br />0 <br />1,035,804 <br />0 <br />3,781,152 <br />12,706,707 <br />79,781,486 <br />1,271,3 l 5 112,407,927 <br />55,782 <br />589,357 192,993 0 <br />5,545,675 1,145,447 685,657 <br />16,598,881 1,717,238 0 <br />26,269,818 3,561,930 741,439 <br />3,986,375 <br />782,350 <br />6,005,465 <br />18,316,119 <br />29,090,309 <br />82,240,286 1,607,208 529,876 83,317,618 <br />$ 103,758,301 $ 2,825,219 $ 529,876 $ 106,053,644 <br />