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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2015 Agendas and packets
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Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />June 17, 2015 — Draft Minutes <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />l78 Commissioner Christiansen stated she had been working with Commissioner Bachhuber <br />179 listening to the feedback. Since Commissioner Bachhuber has resigned from the Commission <br />180 she has been continuing to put together a proposal that lets the teachers know they have been <br />181 heard and makes it easier for teachers throughout the State to promote the essay contest. At this <br />182 time they are not looking at expanding the medium beyond expository writing. One of the <br />183 concerns teachers had was they were overwhelmed. Ms. Bachhuber had looked at the <br />184 curriculum for the grades 6-8 and it appears that this would align with a question pertaining to <br />185 voting and elections. They have developed three (3) documents they would recommend <br />186 Roseville use and forward to the League of Minnesota Cities and give these to the teachers to <br />187 promote the essay contest. One would be a flyer and there would be one that includes the rules, <br />188 guidelines, and criteria. These can be posted in the classrooms. The League also requires a <br />189 contest form and they would include this in the materials for the teachers so they can have it <br />190 readily available. <br />191 <br />192 Ms. Collins suggested the Communications Specialist design the flyer and Commissioner <br />193 Christiansen can work with them on the design. <br />194 <br />195 Commissioner Christiansen stated they had integrated the rules and criteria for both Roseville <br />196 and The League of Minnesota. They also recommended that the essay can be printed or hand <br />197 written. This will address the concerns the teachers had with available computer lab time. <br />198 <br />199 <br />200 <br />201 <br />202 <br />203 <br />204 <br />205 <br />206 <br />207 <br />208 <br />209 <br />210 <br />211 <br />Commissioner Slade asked if the submission had to be in English. <br />Ms. Collins stated grammar and punctuation is included in the scoring of the essays and this <br />would be difficult to judge if they are not in English. <br />Chair Groff stated if a contestant brought up the question then the Commission should discuss <br />this and try to accommodate it. <br />Commissioner Christiansen explained after extensive research by Ms. Bachhuber, they would <br />recommend leaving the required references open by stating "Find out more about voting and find <br />supporting evidence for your paper via newspapers, magazines, books, radio or TV segments, <br />documentaries, personal interviews, and legitimate online sources (not Wikipedia)." <br />212 Ms. Collins stated in the past she has gone to the schools and collected the completed essays. <br />213 The students turn them in to their teachers and they are collected in the office for her to pick up. <br />214 This has been working and she would like to continue doing this in order to make it easier for the <br />215 teachers to collect and submit them. <br />216 <br />217 Commissioner Christiansen asked who would be the best point of contact for teachers and <br />218 students in Roseville. <br />219 <br />22o Ms. Collins stated she has been the point of contact in the past. She would like to encourage <br />221 students to go to their teachers and have the teachers contact her if they need additional help. <br />222 She stated the League of Minnesota entry form is more extensive due to the laws around <br />
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