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<br />004 <br /> <br />i:leeting,Thursday,May 27th 191+8(continuation) <br /> <br />Fothen :noved,seconded by Ha.t1l.mersten thet orèinance regulating the sale <br />of cigarettes 1ìe adopted.Roll call: Ayes (:;), nays-( 0) <br /> <br />"SAXE OF NON*INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR ORDINANCE" :I/:/oZ <br />- t/I"~"'(fI"c.e- ~"Ø,t,,/'Jtlf'e- #.. /~ - <br />" An ordinance regulating the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor <br />" ìÜ thin the Village of Roseville; providing for such salee: by rluly <br />" licensed persons;establishing regulations for the operation of prices <br />" for such non-intoxicating melt liquors sold;providing regulations <br />II for the granting of such licenses;fixin6 license fee; providing <br />" penalties for the violation thereof. <br /> <br />H~~ersten moved, seconded by Carlson that sale of Non-Intoxicating malt <br />liquor ordinance be adopted.Roll call: Nres-(5),Nays-(O) <br /> <br />IID:EFINING AND LICENSING TAVZFW ORDINANCE" #"/oif <br />p,.,r,",,,e.e- ~Øtt1*, ¡O-'e. AI.. 80. <br />" An ordina.'1ce defining (3 tavern;prohititing the operation of a <br />" t;:,vsrn 'Ni -1:ho'.JÌ a lic;.mse therefor at'.(' estobliEhing regulations <br />" .E'er the Granting of "'i:..C:: licc,'lses 2nd œtting the license fee. <br /> <br />Ha;-:lIner'sten m07'?d, seconded b;y ;.\:·",J.lcrl:LD.t ~he defining and licensing <br />t3vern ordinence 2f? eovpteà.rroll c21l:A~res (5),Nays-(0) <br /> <br />;',;emtrez ::'ntroduceà the :ollovdng r2soh::.tion, and Doved the adoption thereof, <br />fGcondec' H2.r:Lne.,..sten.Roll caJ.l: lç~es-C~),:J:?-~'E'-(O): <br /> <br />Resolved that thG 7illage of Roseville sh2ll te divided into 3 district~ <br />for election do scribed as follo~s. <br />District :ro.l-School District ¡Y29,Ì\';c Carrons Bld.: <br />Beginning at -the intcl'sccti'on ()f Lar.r:enteur and Rice, then West on <br />Larpente1.:r Av'2 to Victoria, then north on Victoria to Count3T Rd.D, <br />t~cn ~8st on County Road D to Rice,then South on Rice to point of <br />bæginn:'ng. <br /> <br />District No.2-Village Hall,Hamline and County Rood B: <br />Bebilli~ing at-the intersection or-rarpenteur Ave anù Victoria, then <br />West on LGrpenteur to Ha~ine,then North on Har.~ine to Roselawn, <br />then West on Roselarm to Snelling, then North on Snelling to County <br />Road D,then East on County Road D to Victoria, then South on Victoria <br />to point of beginning. <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />DistrictNo.3:~School District IJ32,,'Oounty Road B,West of Snelling: <br />Begip~ing at the intersection of Snelling and Roselawn,then West <br />on Roselawn to Hennepin County Line,then North on Hennepin County <br />line to COunt~T Road D, then East on County Road D to Snelling Ave, <br />then South on Snelling Ave to point of beginning. <br /> <br />Mr.Solstad and Hr.Olson appeared before the Council in regard to a plat <br />named nWOOŒIDE" and requested the Council to approve same. They were <br />informed that the members of the Council want to view the property before <br />¡laking a d.å:cision and the matter will be voted upon at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Warren C.Schmidt requested a special permit to reside in a double garage <br />on Lots 7 & 8,Minnesota Realtys Owasso Addition. Membrez rnoveð,seconded by <br />Mueller to grant l£r.Schmidt a special permit to expire NoV.lst,1948. <br />Roll call: Ayes-(S),Nays-(O) <br />