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Regular Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, August 5, 2015 <br />Page 8 <br />When developed, Mr. Bilotta noted the result would achieve better traffic safety and one 351 <br />versus multiple access points on Lexington Avenue. 352 <br />If the ownership of Lot 2 is not transferred, Member Stellmach asked if it would be 353 <br />possible for that access point to be moved further north or if there were additional 354 <br />restrictions. 355 <br />Mr. Bilotta responded that if Lot 2 was ultimately not part of the project, reminding the 356 <br />Commission that it was not approving any Preliminary Site Plan for that portion of the 357 <br />project (Old Owasso School site) at this time, the applicant would need to propose an 358 <br />alternative for City and Ramsey Council approval, whether further north or requiring a 359 <br />redesign of the project with no access off Lexington Avenue. 360 <br />At the request of Member Stellmach, Mr. Bilotta noted that no traffic studies had been 361 <br />required, since this was proposed as an assisted living use, and therefore any significant 362 <br />increase in vehicles per day would be minimal. From his best recollection, and without 363 <br />benefit of data at hand, Mr. Bilotta estimated current traffic volumes for Oxford Street, 364 <br />Woodhill Drive and Lexington Avenue. 365 <br />At the request of Member Daire, Mr. Lloyd confirmed that the proposed facility was 2-3 366 <br />levels, with the lower level of the facility being 10-12’ below the driveway coming off 367 <br />Lexington Avenue, and with two entry points, one at the top level and one lower. 368 <br />However, Mr. Lloyd advised that, at this Preliminary Plat approval point, staff had yet to 369 <br />review any building plan specifics beyond that proposed to ensure grading was 370 <br />sufficiently addressed, including elevations and floor plans to see how levels related to 371 <br />one another. 372 <br />Based on the traffic expectations addressed by staff in their report, Chair Boguszewski 373 <br />asked if staff was comfortable that current development plans would address current and 374 <br />future traffic on Lexington Avenue with only minor adjustments. Given the back-up 375 <br />already evident on Lexington Avenue, Chair Boguszewski opined that it was important to 376 <br />address and make sense of any additional traffic generated by this project. While 377 <br />recognizing the validity of staff’s comments that as an assisted living/memory care 378 <br />facility, traffic would be negligible from residents living on site, Chair Boguszewski noted 379 <br />that there would be traffic generated from staff and visitors and vendors accessing the 380 <br />site. Therefore, Chair Boguszewski noted such a development application would typically 381 <br />include a traffic study, while staff was indicating they found it not to be a challenge in this 382 <br />case; and suggested – if possible – the Commission may prefer to make it a condition of 383 <br />approval serving to satisfy the Commission and community that an additional level of 384 <br />vetting had been pursued. 385 <br />Mr. Bilotta had since obtained current traffic number data from his office; and advised 386 <br />that, whether or not a traffic study was deemed appropriate, the Commission could add it 387 <br />as a condition for approval. While an assisted living facility would generate less traffic, 388 <br />since it is a large facility located on a county roadway, Mr. Bilotta advised that as part of 389 <br />their approval, Ramsey County may require a traffic study as well. Therefore, Mr. Bilotta 390 <br />stated that he saw no problem adding that as a condition for approval of the Preliminary 391 <br />Plat. At the request of Chair Boguszewski, Mr. Bilotta confirmed that a traffic study would 392 <br />indicate the level of intensity at which the developer could build. 393 <br />Member Cunningham asked if there was a reason why access had to be on Lexington 394 <br />Avenue as opposed to Oxford Street, opining that an access point there seemed of less 395 <br />impact to her. 396 <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed the location of the propose main access, as well as drop-off and 397 <br />pick-up points for workers and/or guests of Oxford Street and Woodhill Drive, considered 398 <br />as the back parking lot due to grade and what seemed to work out most appropriately. 399 <br />From his personal perspective, Chair Boguszewski addressed internal traffic circulation 400 <br />for this HDR designated property and steps to adequately address and not degrade the 401 <br />quality of life for those single-family residential properties in the area. Chair Boguszewski 402
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