Laserfiche WebLink
5. PROPOSAL LETTER/EMAIL <br />Please use this as a guide to write your letter or email. <br />The proposal letter/email should: <br />• Identify the location of your neighborhood <br />• Indicate that (x) number of households in your neighborhood are interested in having one <br />hauler collect their trash and provide other related services <br />• Provide an estimate of the size of trash containers and a count of each in current use <br />• Provide an estimate of the additional services requested and a count of those interested <br />• Request a competitive proposal from the hauler for trash and related collection services, to <br />include: <br />o The hauler's name <br />o Specific trash container sizes and unit pricing <br />o Pricing for additional services <br />o Any additional fees (e.g., fuel surcharge, etc.) charged for trash and/ar other services <br />o Any incentives for customers to reduce their service cost <br />o Billing frequency (e.g., quarterly, monthly, etc.) <br />o If the hauler requires a contract or minimum service period <br />o Where the hauler disposes of the trash (waste disclosure statement) <br />o A contact name, phone number and email address <br />• Identify a deadline for the hauler's response <br />• Identify a neighborhood contact person (name, address, phone number, email, etc.) for <br />receiving the proposal and for any questions about the proposal. <br />