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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/21/2015 4:29:15 PM
Creation date
9/16/2015 11:08:40 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 17, 2015 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mayor Roe expressed interest in a policy that would retain some portion of the <br /> park dedication fund dedicated for ongoing CIP,but reserving a portion for poten- <br /> tial acquisition of smaller sites that completed connections or corners of parks. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that this didn't preclude the city from those smaller scale ac- <br /> quisitions; and suggested the Finance and Parks & Recreation Commissions talk <br /> about a realistic percentage for replacement/acquisition. The other piece noted by <br /> Mayor Roe was as development occurred, the money coming from dedication fees <br /> could be allocated using a different formula from the possible allocation of the <br /> current pool of money, into a respective pool specifically for acquisition. Mayor <br /> Roe noted this would address any potential boon of development and a periodic <br /> review of the allocation formula or targets based on individual cases based on cur- <br /> rent development and need for additional parks. However, Mayor Roe questioned <br /> justifying use of 100% of the park dedication fund strictly for CIP. <br /> While understanding the incentives, City Attorney Gaughan cautioned council <br /> members and commissioners of State Law prohibitions on the use of park dedica- <br /> tion fees, currently restricted to development or improvement of existing park as- <br /> sets. Mr. Gaughan suggested eliminating any reference to the term "ongoing <br /> maintenance" as it related to park dedication fees. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, noting that councilmembers and others often have been us- <br /> ing "maintenance" when referring to CIP activities, but that in reality the CIP re- <br /> fers to improvements, and that everyone should perhaps use more discipline in <br /> their choice of words when discussing CIP items, and not use the word "mainte- <br /> nance" in those discussions— especially as it relates to the use of Park Dedication <br /> funds. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan noted that it was often difficult to define, but a best prac- <br /> tice would be to stop using the term "maintenance" and use terminology such as <br /> "development" and"improvement" as defined and clear in state law. <br /> Further discussion included proposed use of park dedication fees as a funding <br /> source for park CIP needs; recognizing the need for guidance on what could and <br /> could not be funded (e.g. new club house at the golf course, or enhancements at <br /> the OVAL); development of trail and sidewalk connections as a permitted use of <br /> funding versus cutting weeds or other types of"ongoing maintenance;" and veri- <br /> fying the need for specific input from the Finance and Parks & Recreation Com- <br /> mission in defining that fund and initial allocations. <br /> Councilmember Etten suggested the need for departments to also look at what as- <br /> sets to put money toward, which could create adjustments in the CIP, and need to <br /> define the highest priorities the money should be used for, which may prompt a <br /> long-term discussion. <br />
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