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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 17, 2015 <br /> Page 2 <br /> times had damaged wires over time and could address differences in readings <br /> from the meters that could verify actual consumption. <br /> Mr. Kowal noted that the old Badger brand meter—with a fifteen year factory life <br /> expectancy— had read 5,288,000 gallons when removed, but he was not sure if it <br /> was reading accurately before replaced. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated the need for additional staff follow-up, and while that may <br /> seem to be a large bill, over time it may prove accurate if the consumption was <br /> not recording as it should. Mayor Roe noted staff could work with Mr. Kowal in <br /> addressing the issue, as well as assisting with a payment plan for the account ver- <br /> sus a one-time payment. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested staff monitor Mr. Kowal's water usage and <br /> meter readings over the next few months to make sure consumption is similar to <br /> what the meter is recording. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that his meter was twenty years old when replaced, and depend- <br /> ing on where you were located in the City, there may be older or newer meters <br /> based on the time that area developed. Mayor Roe expressed confidence that staff <br /> would research this further and find a fair solution. <br /> At the request of Mr. Kowal, Mayor Roe confirmed that he could expect staff to <br /> follow-up with him and check the inside meter. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked staff to make sure there were no late charges ap- <br /> plied to Mr. Kowal's utility bill until this was resolved. <br /> 5. Council Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br /> Mayor Roe announced that Roseville would be hosting "Choosing Civility" Training for <br /> the community through its Human Rights Commission, for Participants to learn ways to <br /> sharpen their civility skills and explore belief systems; learn how to strengthen commu- <br /> nication skills, and reinforce team work and individual responsibility. The training is <br /> scheduled for Saturday, September 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., light lunch will be <br /> provided at Roseville Library, 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, with spots available for <br /> 60 registrants and RSVP registration with library available at <br /> and-classes. Contact the Roseville Human Rights Commission at 651-792-7023 or ka- <br /> if you have questions. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested staff check into recording that training if possible for <br /> future reference. Mayor Roe noted that C-TV may have interest in recording it for airing <br /> as well. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised he needed to leave the meeting tonight immediately af- <br /> ter discussion and potential action on the bond sale to facilitate a family medical issue. <br />