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sp��c�s ar�c� involve a v�,ry unique �?arkin�; lot desi�n tt7 p�rc�tect a m�j��rity c�f the <br />�;xi�,tin� nlature tre�s. Tl�e impact�s c>f'the; Tree Prc�s�x-v��tion and Re��alau�inent <br />rec�Lii�r�,lneizt� coLt�led with t11e re�Liircmentis for landscaping in the Pz�c>��;rty <br />Perfi�rt�nance Stand��rcls seek little relief fc�r preservatia�n or existin�; cc��iditic�ns and <br />inst��cl rc�quire z�l�r��c�rous tree plantin�;s. It is these; restr�ictions thai rcpresent the <br />practic�l diffic��lty c7�f t17c� variai7ce rec�t�c�st; <br />b. Tl�e �arc�pc�sed c�evelcap�r77ez�it is gei7�ral�ly ct�nsistent with tl7e Carnprt;h�nsive Plan in. <br />that it �re��re5ents reinvcstme;nt in � c��ilapic�ated co�n�iz7ercial prope�rty ir�z a way that �is <br />com�atible with the� sLirr�7Lindin� dc�velc�p�;d commerci�l area. Moreaver, the projuc� <br />rcpres�;���ts contii�uiiig invcstment in an eXistin� co�nme;rcial property ancl achieves <br />e�if�ici�n�C use of t�he l�n��, provides saf�; vet�icular �z.i�ci ���,destr�ian mc�v�,z��c;�ats, adec�u�ztc; <br />parkizi�;, gcnerotiis �14����lscaping, an�i c�-���t�ive qualii�y e;z�s�u�izag aesthc�tic characte�-. Th� <br />pro��cys�l also achi�ves a��uinber af'the Gcneral L�ti�ld L1sc Goals and Pc�licies <br />i�entif'i�;ci in Chaptc��• 4��t the Roseville 2030 C��mpr�;l�eizsive Plan; <br />e. Th�: pr��pc�sal is ccrl�sistent with t1�c; i�ntent �� the z�ar�irl� �7rdinances hLcause althc�r.l�;h <br />t�xe r�develc�pment will r�sult in a iarg�;�r huildin�; fac,t�rr-il7t, more p��vc�c� surfaee, a�r7ci <br />sc.rr�7ie t�-�;e,�vd�1, t%Ze �7roposed ir�7���rave;rnents ar�c��•e:ss �r11 othe�r Cc7ciu r�,c��iirem�nts <br />otller t%Z��n the ability tc� install 52 trees (lincler re�rl�xccl�aent fc�rn�Li1a) anci i�naintain �)S <br />�n-sitc parking st��l� at t1�1e expense c�i�4 parking 1ot i4lanc�s. Such s�il�;�tantial <br />r�:�i1�v�.st�7lc�nt is ti17e bas�is t�f the curr�n�t 7tnling Orc�in�.r�ce; <br />d. "F�.�as<7nable" usc of t11�; ��rc�perty wou1� be coi�strain�;cl wi�hou� a varia�z�ce becausc <br />strict cc�>mpliance wi�l� tl�ru Zorlin� Ct>c�c wc�uld eft�ctiv�ly req�ure sc�7�m� type of <br />vaz�i��tic� since it is in��possit�le to pr�serve a majc�rity c>t t11e trees witl7aut eliminatit�g <br />r�c�lrir�c� �arking s��ice�;. There wc�cilci a1s� be some, ar��ount oir�;�a14�c:�inent reqLiirc�ci <br />c7n a sit� with preexisting conditions tl�at limit where trees can be placed. Morec7vei-, <br />trees required specific spacing versus beir�g plarited similar to t11e cxistirl� grove c�f <br />c�E�ks a�xci, theref�r�:, th� site is limit�ci ir� the nutn��;r o�f'trees i� ca��� suppori; <br />e. The prope;rty posse5ses the kind c>f �tnique characteristics tl�at justity Grpproval �f thc <br />rcc�uested variance tor a number of rcasons: first, thc parcel is long (41() feet) and <br />narraw (1 SO feet)1im�iting the cr�aiiv� d�sign necessr�ry to achieve nurnerous De;sign <br />anc� Perforn�ance St��r1c����rcis; secoiiti, the ��rc�perty t1�r�; trantage alang L�incc>1n Drive <br />(it� ��c;ccss p�irlt) �xnei Snelling Avcn�G� (its pr�i�t�z�ry� str��i i�rontage witi�Yout access), <br />which creates chall�ngc;s for buildit�g placement, rlppropriate ve]�icl� �novements, ai�d <br />public entry to thc �buildiii�; thirc�, th� sitc is otle �>t th�; few devel4�>ped sites that <br />incl��cics num�raus �tnat�ure trees tl��at� ��zre difficult tc� w<�>rk around; fc��.�rth, <br />r�cl�ve�c>pment c���� b�. clzallengilig aYxc� it becomes mcarc c1�a11engin�; wh�;n the <br />pro�re;r�ty is faced with preexistin�� c�c�ns�t��aints; lastly, tl�� s�iCe carll�<7t str����c�rt the <br />i7��lnbe�r c��replacernunt trees requireci by the Zonil�lg Cc�cle, even if4�cicliti��na1 trees <br />we�•� prese;rved anci thc� required park�ing reduced. It is also worth txoting that this <br />prapc�sal or others wc7uld require same type of varia7lc�, since th� previc>us <br />d�;v�lc�pment under�atilired the prc�perty <br />I?a�� 2 of 4 <br />