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b. Th� prc�pc>sed d�vel<apm��nt i� �enerally cc,nsi�;te�ni wiih thc� Cc7mprc�sen�iv�; Pla7� iz� <br />that it represc�nts coi�tinuirl�; investment iz1 at1 existing coxnmercial �rU�aerty. <br />Mor�c�ve;r, the Com�areh�rzsiv� Plan's stc�rm-water-related cont��;nt is m�stly abc>ut <br />�t�s�urin� best-practic�s �tc�r sitc-s�pecific storn� water n7ana�;ement, eliminatin� illicit <br />ciiscl��argc� into stc7rm water systen�s, and n�inin�izing tl�e p�>iluti�ng eff�;cts tl�at c7cc�ir <br />when Lintre4�ted and uncc�ntralled stor7n water �runs int<�7 nat��ira1 scrrtace watc�r <br />resc7��rce�. While; the pro�crse;d devel�7�m�nt may have challen�;es that mu�t be met <br />with res�a�c� t�v c�n-sii� stc�rm wati�;�r mana�;��me�nt, it wc>uld �Zc�t cc�niribute iliicit <br />d�iscllargi� anc�, �ir�ce the sur��c��.inding s�lb-wat�rshc;d are�a is 1an<�1��ckeci, p�>tential <br />p�711ution Ieaving the prc�}�erty in a flaod evexzt cannot e�nd up in c�ther wetland5, <br />htrea�ns, 1ak�s, etc.; <br />c. The �rrc�pr>sa1 is consistent with the ini�nt c7f th� ronin�; c�rd�inance;s be�;atls�; the low <br />flc�ar elevaticri�l r�gul�rtic7ns arc� prima�r�ily i�nte�nded to �rotect prc�pert�y c�wners irc�in <br />flc��ac� dal�la�e anc�, si���zce tltie pro��rty has l�e�;n in cc>mme�r�;�ial ��ise at its existin�; <br />elev�tiarl sinc;e 1�5(�, the prc��os��� re�pres�nts a a�ntinua�tic�>n of the commercial use <br />and not �he creatian of a z7�w tloc7c�-��rc7ne prc��erty; <br />ci. Th� �rrap��s�c� ret��il r�devt;lopment makes �reas�nable use c�f th� sL�bject� prC�pert�y <br />because si�ri�t cotz7pl�ianc�; with tfie zc�ning cc>c�e woulc� rec�uire the �,�rad�; of the <br />prc�perty to b� rai5ed riine fe�t (or the builciin� its��f essent�ially erectec� c�n stilts), <br />rLsuli�ing in tl�e ilc�or c�7f a�1y z�ew buildin� that� is 1 1 fe�t abc�ve t11e acijacent str�;et, <br />��naking "reasc�nable" use� c>f t�l�e prc�perty c��f%ctive�ly i��rlpc�ssiblc withe�Lrt a vari���c�; <br />e. The prop�;rty possesses tlle kind c�f unique characteristics that justify approval c�f tl�e <br />r�c���est�;d va.rianee b�;ca���e ihe lacat�i«n a.nd elevati�7n ��f the pr��perty witix respect tc.7 <br />the adjacent stonn p��nd which r�;ceivc�s st��rm wat�r frc�m a lar,�e surrc�undin� ar�ea �re <br />u�r�ic�u� circui��star�ces which wer� nc>t cre��t�ci by t�ie �aresent ��r pr�7sp�ctiv� �lancl <br />c>wncrs; and <br />f. `T"l�e �rc7���secl redevel�pment of tl�e ��rcrp�ri�y woulci s�i�mply replace an �xisting �en��r•al <br />re���i�l anc� pers�nal ser�vicc; us� wit�1 a new retail building at ess�ntially the sa.n�e gracte, <br />s�� apprc7val �>f thc reyuestcd variance w«�tl� nc�t alter the char�xcter c>f the sL�rrc>unding <br />area. <br />NOW Z"HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, l�y t�he Rosc;vi�l�le Varia��ac� �c�ard, tc� appravc <br />tl-�e req��est�d variarace t<�> thc ret�tirired n�iYlimlx�m l<>w �floc>r ele�vati<�>n, allowin�; th� red�vel�7pm�nt <br />c�f t}�e �rope��rt�y witl� a lc7w fluor �leva�tior� c�f appr�xir�zately � 12 feet a;, prc>pos�d, witP� the <br />canditic7n t1�at the applicant sign a fl���d dama�;e lial�ility waiv�r �tc� be clraf�ted �by the Gity <br />Attc�rne�y. <br />The motic�n �rc7r tl�e adoption ot the for•egoin� r�;sc>1L�tio�1 w�s ciuly secc�n�ed by Variance <br />Board Member Bog�iszewski anci up�>n vote bein� tak�;n ther�an, the fc�ll<awing v<��ted in f��v�r: <br />8��,�isz�;wski and Mr.�rphy; <br />and non� v�7ted against; <br />WHEREUPON saicl res�7lutic7n was c�ecl�zred duly passeci ana adc�pt�ed. <br />Page 2 of � <br />