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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/25/2015 4:08:47 PM
Creation date
9/23/2015 1:44:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City CouncillVdeeting <br />Monday, September 14, 2015 <br />Page 15 <br />a. Discuss Housing & Redevelopment Authorities and Alternative Entities <br />Community Development Director Paul Bilotta provided a broad overview of <br />types of entities via Power Point presentation, and as detailed in the RCA and at- <br />tachments dated September 14, 2015. Mr. Bilotta noted the key decisions points <br />revolved around the desired outcomes related to housing and/or economic devel- <br />opment, and elected versus appointed levy control; as well as the desired role of <br />citizens. <br />Mr. Bilotta provided a brief suinmary for each entity addressed: Housing & Re- <br />development Authorities (HRA), Economic Development Authorities (EDA), <br />Port Authorities (PA) or advisory commissions and reviewed statutes addressing <br />the powers for each entity. <br />Discussion included potential pitfalls to the City's PA in taking on EDA powers <br />that may occur under certain circumstances; the process in dissolution of an HRA <br />according to state statute and transfer of assets to the City for capital or permanent <br />improvement funds or related debts for improvements to a new entity, but not to <br />the General Fund; and inability to dissolve an HRA if it had entered into a con- <br />tract with any federal government agency for a loan or grant for urban develop- <br />ment or low rent public housing project that remains in effect. <br />Mr. Bilotta reported that initial research indicated the City had no such federal <br />contracts at this time, but if the City Council decided on dissolving the HRA, staff <br />would undertalce more due diligence in perforining further research. Mr. Bilotta <br />reviewed public hearing requireinents per statute for HRA dissohition and the <br />subsequent paperwork process involved; with the City retaining all rights of the <br />HRA in addition to its assets and obligations. <br />Councilmember Willmus asked the role of the Greater Minnesota Housing Corpo- <br />ration (GMHC) regarding operations and how it was tied to the City's existing, <br />HRA. <br />Mr. Bilotta advised that the GMHC saved the City significant time and effort in <br />monitoring and implementing housing programs for individuals from references <br />to the loan process and criteria; with the City's only relationship basically in mak- <br />ing sure there was enough money to support the program and to alter the program <br />standards as applicable. <br />If the City should determine to dissolve the HRA, Councilmember Willmus asked <br />if the GMHC relationship could remain intact with the City moving forward. <br />Mr. Bilotta advised that it could pending contract revisions; and noted he had <br />spoken to GMHC staff earlier today to assure them whatever decision the City <br />
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