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answer, "affordable healthcare for all," and "heightened awareness of proactive prevention of bullying--from <br />children through upper levels of leadership." She is not easily discouraged. She continues to pursue these two <br />lofty goals, seeking and finding incremental progress. <br />Provide the names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of 3 individuals who can speak to the nominee's <br />efforts. This may include the person completing this form.: Senator John Marty, senate office number 651-296- <br />5645 <br />Gwen Gmeinder 651-336-3142 <br />Monica Gallagher,, 651 795 8819 <br />Dan McNeil, PeaceMaker Minnesota Director, <br />Additional Information: <br />Form Submitted on: 3/27/2015 4:05:07 PM <br />/FormCenter/Administration-5/Human-Rights-Commission- <br />Award-50?savedProgressID=15 <br />Form Address: <br />Award-50 <br />