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Attachment B <br />Standard Agreement for Professional Services <br />Standard Agreement for Professional Services <br />Twin Lakes Area East Collector Improvements <br />City Project Number 16-11 <br />This Agreement ("Agreement") is made on the day of October, 2015, between the City of <br />Roseville, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "Cit}�'), and SRF Consulting Group Inc., a <br />Corporation (hereinafter "Consultant"). <br />Preliminary Statement <br />The City has adopted a policy regarding the selection and hiring of consultants to provide a variety of <br />professional services for City proj ects. That policy requires that persons, firms or corporations providing <br />such services enter into written agreements with the City. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth <br />the terms and conditions for the performance of professional services by the Consultant. <br />The City and Consultant agree as follows: <br />Scope of Wor�k Proposal. The Consultant agrees to provide the professional services shown in Exhibit <br />"A" attached hereto ("Work") in consideration for the compensation set forth in Provision 3 below. <br />The Scope shall include the Work Tasks as indicated within Exhibit "A". The terms of this <br />Agreement shall take precedence over and supersede any provisions and/or conditions in any <br />proposal submitted by the Consultant. <br />2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from October 5, 2015, through December 31 st, 2017, the <br />date of signature by the parties notwithstanding. <br />3. Compensation for Se�^vices. The City agrees to pay the Consultant $254,909 as compensation for <br />tasks performed as described in Exhibit A attached hereto for the Work, subject to the following: <br />A. Any changes in the Work which may result in an increase to the compensation due the <br />Consultant shall require prior written approval of the City. The City will not pay additional <br />compensation for Work that does not have such prior written approval. <br />B. Third party independent contractors and/or subcontractors may be retained by the Consultant <br />when required by the complex or specialized nature of the Work when authorized in writing <br />by the City. The Consultant shall be responsible for and shall pay all costs and expenses <br />payable to such third party contractors unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing. <br />4. City Representative and Special Requirements: <br />A. The City Engineer shall act as the City's representative with respect to the Work to be <br />performed under this Agreement. Such representative shall have authority to transmit <br />instructions, receive information and interpret and define the City's policies and decisions <br />with respect to the Work to be performed under this Agreement, but shall not have the right <br />to enter into contracts or make binding agreements on behalf of the City with respect to the <br />Work or this Agreement. The City may change the City's representative at any time by <br />notifying the Consultant of such change in writing. <br />B. In the event that the City requires any special conditions or requirements relating to the Work <br />and/or this Agreement, such special conditions and requirements are stated in Exhibit B <br />Page 1 <br />