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City of Roseville <br />Debt Service Funds Financial Summary <br />2012 2013 2014 2015 <br />Revenues Actual Actual Actual Bud�et <br />General Properry Taxes $ 1,475,034 $ 3,043,836 $ 3,375,627 $ 3,480,000 <br />Tax Increments - - - - <br />Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - <br />Licenses & Permits - - - - <br />Gambling Taxes - - - - <br />Charges for Services - - - - <br />Fines and Farfeits - - - - <br />Cable Franchise Fees - - - - <br />Rentals - - - - <br />Donations - - - - <br />Special Assessments ll2,718 79,296 1,523 - <br />Investment Income 36,291 (91,588) 13,617 - <br />Miscellaneous - - - - <br />Total Revenues $ 1,624,043 $ 3,031,544 $ 3,390,767 $ 3,480,000 <br />Expenditures <br />Personnel Services $ - $ - $ - $ - <br />Supplies & Materials - - - - <br />Other Services & Charges - - - - <br />Capital Outlay - - - - <br />Debt Service 2,062,066 2,237,472 7,344,686 3,480,000 <br />Contingency - - - - <br />Total Expenditures $ 2,062,066 $ 2,237,472 $ 7,344,686 $ 3,480,000 <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Transfers In / Bond Premium $ - $ 193,553 $ - $ - <br />Transfers Out - - - - <br />Debt Issuance / Other 406,908 3,980,000 - - <br />Sale of Assets - - - - <br />Total Other Financing Sources $ 406,908 $ 4,173,553 $ -$ - <br />Net Change in Fund Balance (31,115) 4,967,625 (3,953,919) - <br />Beginning Fund Balance 1,425,518 1,394,403 6,362,028 2,408,109 <br />EndingFundBalance $ 1,394,403 $ 6,362,028 $ 2,408,109 $ 2,408,109 <br />Attachment B <br />Schedule B <br />2016 $ Increase % Incr. <br />Bud�et Decrease Decr. <br />$ 3,330,000 $ (150,000) -4.3% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />1,000 1,000 #DIV/0! <br />10,000 10,000 #DIV/0! <br />- - 0.0% <br />$ 3,341,000 $ (139,000) -4.0% <br />$ - $ - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />3,330,000 (150,000) -4.3% <br />- - 0.0% <br />$ 3,330,000 $ (150,000) -4.3% <br />$ - $ - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />- - 0.0% <br />$ - $ - 0.0% <br />11,000 <br />2,408,109 <br />$ 2,419,109 <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />