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City of Roseville <br />Non Tax-Supported Funds Financial Summary <br />Attachment B <br />Schedule C <br />2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $ increase % Incr. <br />Revenues Actual Actual Actual Bud�et Bud�et Decrease Decr. <br />General Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.0% <br />Tax Increments 2,157,987 1,481,124 2,043,476 2,165,000 1,935,000 (230,000) -10.6% <br />Intergovernmental Revenue 529,240 398,354 815,093 251,000 431,000 180,000 71.7% <br />Licenses &Permits 1,171,398 1,271,918 1,139,186 1,309,110 1,253,500 (55,610) -4.2% <br />Gambling Taxes 74,504 76,272 77,604 60,250 75,000 14,750 24.5% <br />Charges for Services 13,837,785 14,257,135 14,671,739 18,156,915 16,358,755 (1,798,160) -9.9% <br />Fines and Forfeits - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Cable Franchise Fees 415,385 424,827 448,088 445,000 475,000 30,000 6.7% <br />Rentals - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Donations 90,517 79,522 79,013 90,000 76,150 (13,850) -15.4% <br />Special Assessments - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Investment Income ll 1,399 (517,796) 770,850 46,000 120,000 74,000 160.9% <br />Miscellaneous 308,536 251,577 92,018 179,000 98,000 (81,000) -45.3% <br />Total Revenues $ 18,696,751 $ 17,722,933 $ 20,137,067 $ 22,702,275 $ 20,822,405 $(1,879,870) -8.3% <br />Expenditures <br />Personnel Services <br />Supplies & Materials <br />Other Services & Charges <br />Capital Outlay <br />Debt Service <br />Contingency - - - - <br />Total Expenditures $ 15,425,223 $ 14,912,115 $ 17,346,186 $ 23,684,950 <br />$ 3,591,694 $ <br />236,292 <br />11,057,548 <br />539,689 <br />3,726,796 $ 4,034,722 $ 4,257,200 <br />258,987 368,713 288,130 <br />9,921,063 12,600,252 14,473,620 <br />1,005,268 342,499 4,666,000 <br />$ 4,810,625 $ 553,425 <br />296,875 8,745 <br />14,421,980 (51,640) <br />3,435,650 (1,230,350) <br />$ 22,965,130 $ (719,820) <br />13.0% <br />3.0% <br />-0.4% <br />-26.4% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />-3.0% <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Transfers In / Bond Prem./Proceeds $ - $ 357,435 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.0% <br />Transfers Out (75,000) (75,000) (100,000) (305,000) (402,000) (97,000) 31.8% <br />Sale of Assets 47,384 69,645 - - - - 0.0% <br />Total Other Financing Sources $ (27,616) $ 352,080 $ (100,000) $ (305,000) $ (402,000) $ (97,000) 31.8% <br />Net Chg. in Fund Balance / Net Assets 3,243,913 3,162,899 2,690,881 (1,287,675) <br />Beginning Fund Balance / Net Assets 31,836,293 35,080,206 38,243,104 40,933,985 <br />Ending Fund Balance / Net Assets $ 35,080,206 $ 38,243,104 $ 40,933,985 $ 39,646,310 <br />(2,544,725) <br />39,646,310 <br />$ 37,101,585 <br />Page 1 of 12 <br />