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City of Roseville <br />Lawful Gambling Fund Financial Summary <br />2012 2013 2014 2015 <br />Revenues Actual Actual Actual Bud�et <br />General Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - <br />Tax Increments - - - - <br />Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - <br />Licenses & Permits 25 125 200 - <br />Gambling Taxes 74,504 76,272 77,604 60,250 <br />Charges for Services - - - - <br />Fines and Farfeits - - - - <br />Cable Franchise Fees - - - - <br />Rentals - - - - <br />Donations 90,517 79,522 79,013 90,000 <br />Special Assessments - - - - <br />Investment Income 247 (505) 659 - <br />Miscellaneous - - - - <br />Total Revenues $ 165,293 $ 155,414 $ 157,476 $ 150,250 <br />Expenditures <br />Personnel Services $ 3,004 $ 3,082 $ 3,305 $ 3,600 <br />Supplies & Materials - - - - <br />Other Services & Charges 144,663 132,870 138,037 146,650 <br />Capital Outlay - - - - <br />Debt Service - - - - <br />Contingency - - - - <br />Total Expenditures $ 147,667 $ 135,952 $ 141,342 $ 150,250 <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Transfers In $ - $ - $ - $ - <br />Transfers Out - - - - <br />Sale of AsseYs - - - - <br />Total Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - $ - <br />Net Change in Fund Balance 17,626 19,462 16,134 - <br />Beginning Fund Balance (47,403) (29,777) (10,315) 5,819 <br />Ending Fund Balance $ (29,777) $ (10,315) $ 5,819 $ 5,819 <br />Attachment B <br />Schedule C <br />2016 $ Increase <br />Bud�et Decrease <br />$ - $ - <br />75,000 14,750 <br />76,150 (13,850) <br />$ 151,150 $ 900 <br />$ 4,500 $ 900 <br />146,650 - <br />$ 151,150 $ 900 <br />$ - $ - <br />$ - $ - <br />5,819 <br />$ 5,819 <br />% Incr. <br />Decr. <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />24.5% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />-15.4% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.6% <br />25.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.6% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />