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City of Roseville Schedule C <br />Recycling Fund Financial Summary <br />2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $Increase % Incr. <br />Revenues Actual Actual Actual Bud et Bud et Decrease Decr. <br />General Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.0% <br />Tax Increments - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Intergovernmental Revenue 104,892 69,613 70,419 65,000 70,000 5,000 7.7% <br />Licenses & Permits - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Gambling Taxes - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Charges far Services 366,015 389,162 318,876 309,200 340,120 30,920 10.0% <br />Fines and Forfeits - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Cable Franchise Fees - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Rentals - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Donations - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Special Assessments - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Investment Income 1,825 (4,619) 6,347 1,000 1,000 - 0.0% <br />Miscellaneous 87,243 66,109 48,593 140,000 75,000 (65,000) -46.4% <br />Total Revenues $ 559,975 $ 520,265 $ 444,235 $ 515,200 $ 486,120 $ (29,080) -5.6% <br />Expenditures <br />Personnel Services $ 33,112 $ 35,597 $ 26,508 $ 36,500 <br />Supplies & Materials 878 544 1,972 700 <br />Other Services & Charges 508,851 514, l44 433,011 448,4] 0 <br />Capital Outlay 6,271 - - - <br />Debt Service - - - - <br />Contingency - - - - <br />Total Expenditures $ 549,112 $ 550,285 $ 461,491 $ 485,610 <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Transfers In $ - $ - $ - $ - <br />Transfers Out - - - - <br />Sale of Assets - - - - <br />Total Otl�er Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - $ - <br />Net Change in Assets 10,863 (30,020) (17,256) 29,590 <br />Beginning Net Assets 253,174 264,037 234,017 216,761 <br />Ending Net Assets $ 264,037 $ 234,017 $ 216,761 $ 246,35 ] <br />$ 36,800 $ <br />2,000 <br />453,410 <br />$ 492,210 $ <br />$ - $ <br />$ - $ <br />(6,090) <br />246,3 51 <br />$ 240,261 <br />300 <br />1,300 <br />5,000 <br />6,600 <br />0.8% <br />185.7% <br />l.l% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />1.4% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />Attachment B <br />Page 11 of 12 <br />