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Department Approval <br />1�� <br />�.. 1 � � <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: October 19, 2015 <br />Item No.: 14.a <br />City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Discussion of 2015-2017 Policy Priority Planning Document <br />BACKGROUND <br />At the June 22 City Council meeting, the City Council adopted the Policy Priority Planning document <br />that identified two strategic priorities to be focused on over the next 18 months. The two priorities were <br />Housing and Redevelopment and Infrastructure Sustainability. The City Council instructed staff to <br />bring back the document for further discussion and decisions on identifying targets and initiatives for <br />the identified priorities. Attachment A includes the approved document. The City Manager has <br />included the previously identified targets and initiatives in the table far information purposes. <br />As part of the discussion of the Housing and Redevelopment priority, staff is planning to provide the <br />City Council an update on the status of the HRA and potential next steps that should be considered. <br />Staff believes it is important that the City Council is aware of this context as the Housing and <br />Redevelopment priorities are discussed. <br />POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />Adopting strategic priorities will provide the City Council and staff direction in providing City services <br />and programs in a planned and targeted way. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACTS <br />There are not any costs for further discussion of the Policy Priority Planning document. As the <br />priorities are executed, any new costs will need be included in future budgets. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Council should discuss and decide on possible targets and initiatives that will implement the <br />identiiied strategic priorities. <br />REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />The City Council should discuss and decide on possible targets and initiatives that will implement the <br />identified strategic priorities. <br />Prepared by: Patrick Trudgeon, City Manager (651) 792-7021 <br />Attachments: A: Policy Prioriry Planning Summary Document <br />B: June 22, 2015 City Council minutes <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />