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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 19, 2015 <br />Page 16 <br />the City's infrastructure under control for replaceinent and funding in place or <br />identified to accomplish that, putting the city in a better overall position. <br />Mayor Roe questioned if the current asset management software was proving the <br />exact tool for this process or needed enhancement as well; which he anticipated as <br />a topic of discussion given his lack of confidence that it was the single tool need- <br />ed moving forward. <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that this software provided real time information <br />for what staff was working on and the ability to track infonnation, which would <br />improve as that was built on over time since all of that historical information was <br />yet to be input. <br />Councilmember Willmus, with agreement by City Manager Trudgeon, suggested <br />the need for a inore enhanced CIP tied to metrics for staff to develop and bring <br />back to policy makers as a necessary piece of the plan. <br />Mayor Roe suggested flip flopping those two strategic initiatives as identified in <br />Attachment A. <br />City Manager Trudgeon responded that, as they feed into the infrastnicture plan <br />and metrics, that would worlc. <br />Since staff was being aslced to bring things back to the City Council, Coun- <br />cilmeinber Laliberte asked staff what milestones they anticipated in 2016, includ- <br />ing recorrunended asset categories by a certain time; since this had initially started <br />as a one-year plan, then moved to a 3-4 year plan, and now moving back toward a <br />one-year plan. <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that work had been initiated earlier this year to <br />map things out, and staff could further refine that with the goal of keeping it as <br />aggressive as possible and not allowing it to drag out, shooting for the 2017 budg- <br />et, which would still be a major undertaking and involve a lot of people for that <br />inpttt. <br />Mayor Roe suggested the timeline be through the end of 2016, and while recog- <br />nizing everything may not be accomplished by then, it would provide a realistic <br />timeframe of where the City Council wanted to be. <br />Councilmeinber Laliberte expressed appreciation for the work by staff on the <br />timeline, opining it would be helpful for the City Council to have a timeline con- <br />tinuum of public involvement: where staff was involved, where the advisory <br />commissions would plug in, and thereby identifying those milestones within that <br />year to help everyone stay accountable and on track. <br />