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City Council Meeting Minutes
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11/24/2015 1:37:01 PM
Creation date
11/13/2015 4:04:19 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 19, 2015 <br />Page 6 <br />In reviewing the current versus revised funding forecast, Mr. Miller noted the City <br />Council discussions to-date to dedicate new tax levy dollars to strengthen the PIF <br />and to address the surges as shown. Mr. Miller noted that while the long-ter�n <br />projections looked better, there were still soine timing issues to address to cash <br />flow major improvements, adjust their tiining, find additional revenue, or not re- <br />place those CIP items at the end of their useful life. Mr. Miller advised that staff <br />could run sensitivity scenarios for various tiining replacements, but suggested <br />having City and Park staff weigh in on policy implications for operational iinpacts <br />in deferring any of those CIP items over the next 5-10 years. <br />Mr. Miller advised that both the Finance and Parks & Recreation Commissions <br />had discussed use of the Park Dedication Fund balance to help out the situation, <br />but deferred further comment on the status of those discussions to City Manager <br />Trudgeon. However, Mr. Miller noted the need to balance the leeway in using <br />those fiinds with the City Attonley's previous caution on how and where those <br />funds could be used. <br />City Manager Tnidgeon reported that a good discussion had been held with the <br />Finance and Parks & Recreation Commissions on retaining a miniinum balance in <br />the Park Dedication Fund. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the Parks & Recreation <br />Coinmission was scheduled for a joint meeting with the City Council in Novem- <br />ber of 2015 and would report on those discussions, including the Park Dedication <br />Fund and the Golf Course. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Finance Director Miler reported that the current <br />Park Dedication Fund balance, including the recent Owasso Field transaction, was <br />approximately $1 million. Without expenditure tiining changes, as noted by <br />Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller concurred that the PIF was not brought to sustainability <br />even if all Park Dedication funds were applied and continued to run a negative. <br />However, Mr. Miller noted that part of that was due to the front-ended deficit in- <br />cluded for the purpose of educating and keeping everyone aware of the deficit, <br />and alerting the public and future City Council's to sustainability issues requiring <br />further discussion. <br />Mayor Roe suggested that it might be helpful — between now and the December <br />decision-making for the 2016 budget and tax levy — for staff to come forward with <br />several recommended scenarios. For the purpose of projections, Mayor Roe stat- <br />ed he was more comfortable with having a plan in place closer to staying above <br />"zero" and understood the implications that created. Mayor Roe suggested it <br />would be helpful to have staff and advisory cominission input on those scenarios. <br />Councihneinber McGehee agreed with Mayor Roe, noting that in her discussions <br />earlier today with Finance Director Miller, she had noted the difficulty in address- <br />ing sustainability from an abstract versus a more realistic view including the fine <br />detail. Councilmember McGehee stated that infonnation as requested by Mayor <br />
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